Friday, January 24, 2020

Why Men Don’t Date Anymore

Generally, for the most part, men continue to date more frequently than women do. However, there are those who don’t.

The dominant reason tends to be extreme disillusionment with women, most having being financially hurt. As with the experience of many women hearing lies from men, so many men have experienced lies from women. A newspaper article revealed that 37% of women lied about their age while 29% of men lied about their income.

Men also deeply resent having to part with their ‘hard earned money’ when there are divorces. For some, this is sufficient discouragement never to take a woman seriously again. To quote from The Simple Dollar , “The most common reason given for men not to get married is that the financial outcome of divorce proceedings is seen to be unfair.”

So the reasons some men reach a point where they don’t date anymore are similar to those of women—generally too many negative experiences with the opposite sex.

Too Many Other Commitments and Interests
As we get older, we take on more and more commitments. Sometimes these simply do not leave room for dating. Here are some of the reasons:
Single parenting is a full-time job, especially if one is also working. One is simply too tired to go out.

One loses confidence in one’s appearance. A 50-year-old body is not the same as an 18-year-old body. Who wants someone to gaze at one’s cellulite or pot belly?

The energy of youth disappears. We become more and more tired more and more quickly. Where once we could work all day, then party most of the night and be up for work the following morning, that doesn’t work that way (much) after 40.

It’s impossibly difficult to meet new people, and dating sites tend not to work the older one gets.

If one has risen in one’s career, it sometimes takes up all one’s waking hours and, again, there simply isn’t time for a dating life. That includes business travel which can exhaust one.
The cost of dating is quite high.

Appropriate clothing to go to the theatre, a bathing suit that flatters, jeans that hide the worst of body sins—they all add up. Sometimes people simply don’t have sufficient discretionary income to take on dating.

To quote from The Guardian , “While a few traditionalists still prefer dinner and a movie, for others figuring out how to pay for a date (sometimes on a salary of $25,000 a year or less) was a frequent source of anxiety.”


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