Friday, January 24, 2020

Understand why they act diffrent sometimes


It’s important to first learn about the most common passive-aggressive behaviors you may experience, and understand why your partner may be doing them.

1. Silent treatment
One of the hallmarks of passive-aggressive behavior, the silent treatment is when someone deliberately avoids any form of communication with you. The purpose of the silent treatment is to gain leverage over you, to put you off balance, to convey through silence and withholding affection that they are unhappy with something you did and that you are being punished for it.

2. Broody resentment
Broodiness can often be a manifestation of a type of passive-aggressive behavior where resentment and anger are shallowly concealed in silence and prolonged sulky unhappiness. When asked, your brooding partner may say that nothing is wrong and shut any attempts at discussing their unhappiness down. But despite their denials, their continued negative countenance, emotion, and tone of voice when speaking to you, say that they are upset about something but are just unwilling to talk about it with you.

3. Procrastination
By deliberately procrastinating after agreeing to perform a task, your partner is telling you in a passive-aggressive way that, actually, they don’t want to do that task. They’re hoping that by making excuses, deliberately “forgetting” and delaying as much as possible, you will give up and lower your expectations of them.

4. Sarcasm
Sometimes, passive-aggressive people will lash out by making negative comments or criticize in barely disguised humor. When you become defensive or get upset by their remarks, they’ll deny any hostile intentions by saying that they’re just joking or complain that you were being too serious and can’t take a joke.
By taking thinly-veiled shots at you, your passive-aggressive partner hopes to bring you down so they can maintain a psychological upper hand over you.


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