Friday, January 24, 2020

understanding how to stop being jealous is not paved with ease or security.

The green-eyed monster has ruined many a relationship. Knowing how to stop being jealous means figuring out what drives your jealousy.

The reason jealousy is called the green-eyed monster is because there is nothing pretty about it. The road to understanding how to stop being jealous is not paved with ease or security. The reason people feel jealous in a relationship is because they feel they aren’t good enough to be with the person they are with.

How to stop being jealous
If you find your jealousy causes issues in your relationship, then you have two choices: either discover you are worthy of love or move along. Don’t stay stuck feeling insecure. It just isn’t fun, nor is it what a true relationship is about.

There are all sorts of reasons people feel jealousy. Some stem from within and others from external sources. But, in the end, the only one who controls your feelings of jealousy, even if your jealousy buttons are being pushed, is you.

#1 Figure out what makes you happy. 
Often, we feel jealous when we give too much of ourselves to a relationship. If you find your partner’s needs always come first, they always get to choose, or you just give in all the time, then it is not uncommon to feel jealous. They are enjoying their lives, while you are being someone else and forgetting about your own needs.

If you cater to your own likes and do what you want to do, then you don’t have to envy that you gave up who you are to make someone else happy. 

#2 Be okay with being by yourself. 
Fear is one of the biggest drivers of jealousy. If you fear being alone, that fear may make you jealous when you don’t really have a cause. We all fear the loss of a loving relationship.

But, if you are always jealous and suspecting of their behaviors, then it just might be that you aren’t okay with losing them. Because you’d be alone with yourself again. If they did cheat and you lost them, you will be okay alone. 

#3 Realize there are a million fish in the sea. 
Sure, they might be the best thing you ever had, but if you are so jealous that they will cheat on you, they can’t be as awesome as you think. Decide for yourself if they are the type of person that will hurt you by cheating. If you believe they are, then you need to move on.

Stop being jealous, if they choose to hurt you, then they do you a favor. There are many people out there who never would.

#4 Recognize your own strengths and assets. 
Stop worrying about them finding someone and think about how lucky they are to have you. When you think you are with a ten and you are a three, then it is easy to feel jealous all the time.

If you wonder why they are with you and fear at some point they will find better, then you don’t see what they see in you. That is not only your loss; it might be the source of you eventually losing them if they can’t curb your jealous nature.

#5 Mind over matter. 
When you feel jealous, stop, think rationally, and figure out if it is real or something you created in your head. If you needlessly fear, you likely create a scenario in your head that isn’t real.

#6 STOP snooping
Constantly checking their actions through social media, going through their phone, or looking for receipts won’t give you the answers you need. In fact, it just adds more fuel to your fire.

You either believe and trust them or let them go. Constantly trying to play the “gotcha” card isn’t fair to your partner. It certainly isn’t doing you any mental favors.

#7 Think positive unless you have a reason not to. 
Ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? You might be creating one. If you continually accuse your partner, look for proof of their infidelity, or confront them with distrust, you might get the very thing you are so afraid of. No one wants to be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t trust them.

Your need to prove them a liar and a cheat eventually get olds. You end up losing them, whether they cheat or not. So, what is the purpose of always expecting the worst? 

#8 Listen to that inner voice, but only when it is rational
Try to ignore the inner voice fueled by fear. Listen to the one that tells you what is really in their heart. There are very few times when our true inner voice is wrong. It probably tells you to stop and find peace, not continue your witch hunt. You just have to stop and listen, really listen. 

#9 Forget about your past. 
If cheated on in the past, let that go. Just because one person was a total asshole doesn’t mean the person you are with is. If you keep labeling them in the same category as those who hurt you, all you do is hurt yourself.

#10 Forget about their past
Even if they cheated in the past, that does not mean they will cheat again. You have no idea what their former relationship was like. Although once a cheater always a cheater may be true in some instances, you can’t assume you know their previous situation. So, let their past stay in their past.

#11 Keep parts of you separate, but not secret.
If you merge yourself with someone, then you lose a little bit of you. That is a super scary feeling. That means if you lose them, you lose yourself. That type of anxiety and fear brings out the green monster in us all.

Try to maintain a little bit of your anonymity to make sure you aren’t overcome with jealousy at the slightest fear of loss. 


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