Friday, January 24, 2020

Are You Searching for the Right Man? Here’s How to Pray and Get Results!

Learning how to pray for a husband is not as complicated as it may seem. One of the biggest myths of the day is that there is a great shortage of “good” men. It’s not that there is a shortage of good men, many women are searching for good men in all the wrong places.
If you’re searching for a good man, you probably won’t find him at school, work, on the train, the mall, or your church (I’ll explain why later).
Before you continue your search for a husband, take a deep breath and relax—if you are alive, you still have time. Here are 6 easy steps that worked for me when I prayed for a husband.
6 Steps to Follow to Pray for a Good Husband

1. Write your prayer request on paper
2. Fold your letter up and pray over it
3. Bury the letter in the ground
4. Ask others to pray for a husband for you

5. Pray without ceasing
6. Don’t assume that the first man you meet is the right “one”
1. Write Your Prayer Request on Paper
When I was praying for a husband, I decided to write my request on paper to God. There is something special about writing to God on paper. It’s like you’re pouring your heart out to Him.
Then you’re going to pray the request back to God. For example, let’s say you wrote: “Dear God, please help me to find the right husband.” You’re going to read and pray your request back to Him.

Now, I have to be honest, I probably wrote God more than a dozen letters about finding a husband until He finally answered my prayers. So, if God doesn’t answer you immediately, don’t give up hope. He hears your prayers—even on paper. Remember, His time is not our time.

Important Note: In your letter to God, make sure you are very specific on the type of husband you want. For instance:
1. A Godly man.
2. A man who will love me.
3. A man with a good sense of humor.
4. A man that is handsome, but with a good personality.
5. A man who will never abuse me.
6. A dedicated man that will never leave me.
7. A man that has a strong relationship with Christ.
This is just a sample list. Feel free to use it—you can make your list as long as you desire.
2. Fold Your Letter Up and Pray Over It
This doesn’t have to be a long prayer, just a short prayer like: “Lord, I believe you will answer my prayers.”
The main idea is that God needs to hear your prayers, so you really have to put that intent behind it. If you open up your heart to God, He will hear you and He will listen to your prayers.
Ask God to Send a Good Husband
3. Bury the Letter in the Ground
Yes, I know. This may sound a bit strange. After all that work, you’re going to bury the letter? In reality, I started burying my prayer request letters in the ground, at the beach, after I got married. I did something a little unorthodox when I was single (like this isn’t). Now, it’s important to note that when I started praying to God for a husband, I was very young, so my tactics were a bit odd.
I would write letters to God, pray over them, and throw them out the window while riding down the road in a car. This may sound funny to you, but I truly felt that God would send an angel to report the details of the letter back to Heaven. Then He would answer them.
As I matured in Christ, He revealed to me that He read the details of my request even before the ink from my pen dried on the paper.
4. Ask Others to Pray for a Husband for You
When two or more people are gathered for prayer, God is in the midst (Matthew 18:20). Just make sure you choose people that can actually get a prayer through. There is no point in asking someone to pray for you if they never seem to get their prayers answered.
Keep in mind, the person that you ask for prayer doesn’t have to be married. I remember asking anyone that I knew who could get a prayer through. I personally asked the elderly mothers in the church who got their prayers answered from God.
If you decide to ask a minister in your church to pray for you, make sure you are specific. Don’t just say, “Pray that I find a man.” That sounds too desperate. Say something like: “Pray that I find the ‘right’ husband,” or “Pray that God helps me to find a good husband.”
Also, never walk up to a prophet or minister out of the blue and say: “Pray that I get a husband.”
I tried that once when I was single with a prophet that came to our church to preach. I thought that he would prophesize about my future husband. I assumed that he would say: “God told me that you are going to get married soon.”
I was totally wrong. Instead, he said, “Oh, okay.” Then he walked away. I was so embarrassed. Thank goodness, no one was around to hear my desperate plea.
Save yourself the embarrassment and don’t make the same mistake I did.
God has someone for you.
5. Pray Without Ceasing
Pray daily until God answers your prayers like in: 1 Thessalonians 5:17. Just make sure that this isn’t your only prayer. It’s sort of rude to come to the Creator and beg Him for a husband as soon as you wake up in the morning. Also, when you pray, ask God to prepare you to be a good wife. Often, some women will pray for a husband, but they won’t prepare themselves spiritually for a husband.
6. Don’t Assume That the First Man You Meet Is the Right “One”
Remember, Satan knows that you’re in the market for a husband. So, he will try to distract you by sending the wrong men. Just because a man is a Christian, pastor, or a good choir boy doesn’t mean he’s the one that God has for you. After I asked God to help me find a husband, I ran into a few duds along the way. Years later, I looked them up on Facebook, and I am so glad I didn’t get involved with them.
It’s very important that you seek God for a husband. When you meet a potential mate, He will let you know whether or not your prospective husband is the one.
Also, it’s important to know that God isn’t predictable. I assumed that I would meet my husband at my church. I imagined him walking in one Sunday morning. I lived about 50 miles away from my church. My future husband lived only 15–20 minutes away from where I lived at the time. So, you never know where you will meet your future husband.
Bonus: Leave It in God’s Hands
When you have prayed for God to find a husband, trust in Him completely. Don’t worry about when, where, or how you’re going to meet him. The moment that I stopped stressing over when I was going to meet the right one, that’s when God stepped in and introduced me to the love of my life. We have been married for 16 happy years.
So, if you feel super anxious about finding a husband, I understand how you feel. I was afraid that I would not meet the right man because I was told there was a shortage of men. That is simply not the case. If it is in God’s plan for you to get married, you will eventually get married.


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