Saturday, January 25, 2020

4 Steps Toward Healing and Recovery

1. Create a support network – It is vitally important to have a support system to help you step mentally outside of your toxic situation and see it for what it is from a new angle. When you’re too close in proximity, you may not see the damage to which you’ve become either accustomed or numb. A support network could include a support group, good friends, or family members you can trust.

Your support network can also include resources such as self-help books you can have available at all times to continually work your program of recovery.

A popular self-help book called Dark Souls: Healing and Recovering from Toxic Relationships , by Sarah Strudwick, provides a look at traits and dynamics between you and your partner. It offers the reader a clearer understanding of the relationship and the damages that result.

2. Re-establish your identity – Re-introduce yourself to all that makes up who you are as an individual. What are your likes and dislikes, your favorite things, your interests, and your accomplishments? Realize that your purpose and identity cannot revolve around another person only. You must maintain a part of your own identity in a relationship.

3. Make decisions for yourself to boost confidence – Increase your knowledge about things you avoided doing because you were too timid; set goals to tackle and complete small tasks, followed by bigger tasks to create a feeling of accomplishing
 something on your own.

4. Cleanse your mind, body, and spirit of toxicity – Engage in some type of movement or spiritual activity for cleansing and renewal after you have left the toxic

environment/relationship. Follow through with cutting contact with the toxic person. Examples of activities include yoga, tai chi, aerobic exercise, meditation, journaling, detoxification, talk therapy, or religious practices within a supportive faith community.

You are now on your way to moving toward true independence, freedom, and love of self. Take your time as you exhale . . . and learn to breathe again.


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