Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Here’s what most girls don’t understand about attraction

All our lives, we’re been told not to judge a book by the cover. We’ve been told that people shouldn’t be judged until we know them well enough.
These words may be told to you by the wisest and the greyest, but that still can’t stop you from going ahead and judging people by their faces.
And it’s not just you. Even the ones who told you not to do the judging can’t help but judge people at first glance.
So what do we call them? Hypocrites? Or perhaps, we should just blame our genes.

The first glance
How many times have you met someone and felt a sudden rush of emotions, good or bad? There may have been times when you felt uncomfortable hanging around someone new, and you couldn’t wait to get out of the room.
It may be your first date with a very cute guy or girl, but at times, we just can’t help it when our involuntary genes decide to kick in and make the plans for us on the very first look.

The science behind the first look
Psychologists have found that people respond intuitively to faces so rapidly that our reasoning minds may not have time to influence the reaction. It’s almost like an involuntary shiver.
We just can’t rationalize our decision, and so we pretend to be very intellectual and blame it our sharp instincts. These ‘instincts’ help us choose the friends we would be most comfortable with, and also helps us in choosing the right mate.
You’ve obviously known there was always something more than just good looks that attracted you to your sweetheart, didn’t you?

Facial features and the first glance
The link between facial features and character may not exist in reality. Seriously, someone who looks bad doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad person, do they? But this fact doesn’t stop our minds from sizing other people in the first glance. It may not be all about beauty and appearances, but we tend to decide very quickly whether a person has many of the requirements we feel are rather important to the instinctive side of us, such as likeability and warmth, even though we may not have exchanged a single word with them.
It seems like all of us are programmed in the head to jump to conclusions really fast, without really spending any time to think.
Let’s just remember the first day at college. You didn’t know anyone, but most of the time, you ended up with bunch of people you hung out with for the whole year, or you’re still probably pals with them even now. This might not be the case at all times, but nine out of ten times, you know it’s true. There’s just something about that first glance, isn’t it?

source http://tasboy.com/heres-what-most-girls-dont-understand-about-attraction-3/

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