Thursday, December 26, 2019

Top Tips for Starting Conversations with Girls Online

This section will give some general guidelines for starting real conversations with women online for sites like OKCupid, POF, eHarmony. It’s a little more than just trying to pick them up. Below you’ll also find some more approaches and examples both of what to do and what not to do.

1. Don’t say the first thing that jumps into your head. So . . . forget just saying “hi.” This is what 90% of guys do. Make an effort to stand out.

2. Don’t say anything like “Ur gorgeous.” Women hear compliments like that all the time. According to OKCupid’s data blog OKTrends , messages that have words like “sexy,” “beautiful,” “hot,” and “cutie,” all received less responses. Girls aren’t listening to that stuff, so quit saying it.

3. Stop trying to be cool or cocky. Being arrogant is a turnoff for women. Use words that make you seem a little vulnerable like “sorry” and “awkward” and “probably.” Online dating can be a minefield for women, so being less threatening will up your chances of making it into the real world.

4. Tease. Online conversations are perfect for lighthearted teasing. You can really get to know her when you meet her in person.

5. Be outgoing and positive. No one likes someone who’s negative all the time. People are attracted to happiness.

6. Relax if she doesn’t respond. It’s okay. You’re not going to get a home run every time you hit the ball. Relax. Don’t chase her. There are tons more women out there.

7. Be enthusiastic about getting to know her. Ask her questions about herself, but leave the heavy getting-to-know-you stuff for in person.

8. Use good grammar. On OKTrends, they found that messages with slang like “u,” “ur,” “ya,” and “hit” and “can’t” got fewer responses. The only exceptions were “lol” and “hahaha.”

9. Talk about her specific interests that you read in her profile, and tell her that you saw it there. Say something like, “You have good taste in music! I love Alicia Keys too.” Or you can tease her about her tastes too, like “Alicia Keys, really?”

10. Learn from your mistakes! Notice what works and what doesn’t, and who’s responding to what you’re putting out there.

11. Remember that the ultimate goal of this is to meet up with a woman in person. Don’t keep the messaging going on for too long before asking for a number or to meet up. That said, don’t push for it too soon either. The longer you’re messaging each other, the longer you’ll be messaging each other. Unless you went online to get a pen pal, that can get old really fast. Be bold! Ask to see her in person.

12. Keep it short. Long messages are hard to respond to.

13. Make her feel something! Make her laugh, surprise her, or tease her. An emotional response is a good start to a conversation.


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