Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Make your boyfriend more confident 2

9. Blush and Act Smitten When Your Guy Tries to Flirt With You
Because your boyfriend lacks confidence, his way of flirting with you is likely to be subtle instead of direct. Blush and act smitten every time you think he is trying to impress you. Watching you blush will make him feel that his charm has the power to make you weak in the knees. This behavior will encourage him to be more romantic and help him shed inhibitions about expressing his feelings.

10. Tell Your Boyfriend That You Become Jealous When Other Girls Look at Him
Jealousy can be a bitter weapon or a wonderful asset, depending on how you use it in your relationship. To perk up your boyfriend’s self-confidence, tell him that you feel jealous when other girls look at him. He will instantly feel attractive when you tell him that other girls stare at him. And when you talk about your jealousy, he will feel like a handsome guy.

11. Let Him Know Subtly If You See Other People Taking Advantage of His Niceness
Other people may take advantage of your boyfriend if he is a really nice guy. Don’t get annoyed when you see this happening. Sit back and let the situation unfurl. Once it is over, suggest to him how you felt about the situation. Looking at it in hindsight will help him realize how he was taken advantage of. It will be a lesson learned, and he will use the situation to move forward.

12. Never Make Fun of Your Boyfriend’s Shyness
Making fun of your boyfriend’s shyness or lack of confidence is a complete no-no. If you laugh or ridicule this personality trait, it will damage his self-esteem permanently. Regardless of how you try to get your boyfriend out of his shell, never make fun of him during the process.

13. Encourage Him to Work out
Your guy can lack confidence because he is too skinny, too fat, or is just not happy with his physique. He may be avoiding the gym simply because he is too self-conscious to work out in front of other people. Make it easy on him by buying him some workout equipment so he can exercise at home. You can find a basic pair of dumbbells for less than a hundred dollars.

14. Tell Him That He Looks like a Certain Celebrity
Motivating your boyfriend to improve his body image is a tricky thing because wrong comparisons can dent his self-confidence levels forever. To avoid jealousy or any form of suspicion when you ask him to lose weight or get in shape, use celebrities as examples. Here’s how.

You would look like Hugh Jackman if you toned your tummy.
Your physique is just like Taylor Lautner; all you need to do is add some bulk to your shoulders.

15. Simpler Advice Will Have a Bigger Impact on Your Guy’s Psyche
Don’t start giving your boyfriend long lectures every time you try to subtly point out ways in which he can come out of his shell. Instead, use shorter sentences and limit yourself to saying just a couple of things. Shy guys typically like to reflect on situations after they are over. Saying just a few sentences to him in the form of advice will be enough food for thought for him to think about the situation later.
16. Don’t Get Frustrated: Building His Confidence Will Take Time

Frustration and anger can have a very negative impact on the people around you. You may not realize this, but step into his shoes and think about how you would feel if you saw your partner getting frustrated all the time. You will naturally think that there may be something lacking in your own behavior that is driving your partner into frustration. Avoid letting your boyfriend fall into this deadly trap by hiding your frustration. Confidence is not a product that you can buy on a supermarket shelf. Give your guy at least a few months until he starts showing the first signs of coming out of his shell.

17. Appreciate Your Boyfriend’s Love Making
The relationship between a guy’s confidence and his perception of his own lovemaking skills is similar to that of a car and fuel; it is essential and vital. Appreciating your guy’s skills at being a great lover will directly boost his confidence levels. Tell him how he is really an expert at

kissing a girl and keep reminding him how you crave his romantic touch all the time. Apart from boosting his self-esteem, giving him compliments in this department will also make him more confident in bed as he will feel less shy about expressing himself.

18. Help Him Make Better Decisions With Money
Money plays a noticeable role in a person’s well being. In terms of his confidence, money will help him make better choices in life, like being able to buy his favorite stuff or taking you out on romantic dates. Don’t give him direct advice but just a subtle suggestion when you see him lamenting over his money problems.

19. Encourage Him to Play More Sports With His Friends
Playing sports can do wonders to a guy’s confidence. Every time he plays a game with his friends, he will strive to win. It will help him bring out the fighter from within. Whether he likes to play ping pong or likes to shoot hoops, encourage him to play a game or two with his friends at least a couple of times a week.

20. Don’t Talk to Your Friends About Your Guy’s Confidence Levels
You will deliver the biggest blow of heartbreak to your boyfriend if you start talking about his low confidence levels with your friends. Lack of confidence is his weakness, and he expects you to keep it a secret. If you do share it with others, no matter how hard you try, the gossip will come around and reach his ears one day or another. He will feel heartbroken to know that his own girlfriend went behind his back to express unhappiness in the relationship to someone else.


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