Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How do you make your boyfriend more confident?

 Looking for ways to make your shy guy come out of his shell? Increasing a guy’s self-confidence and self-esteem is never a quick process. As his girlfriend or wife, you will have to be positive and patient if you want to remove lack of confidence and shyness from his personality. These subtle ways will take months but in the long run, your guy will emerge as a better lover and the man you have always dreamed about.

1. Help Your Guy Dress Smartly by Using Positive Affirmations
Clothes play a role in shaping a man’s confidence when he steps outside. You can help your boyfriend find his inner confidence in a way that makes him look smart and handsome. You must use positive affirmations if you want to make a lasting impact on his style and confidence. Here are a few tips.
Never belittle how he dresses.

Act smitten and starry-eyed when he wears clothes that you like.
Compliment him when he wears clothes that look good on him.
Suggest clothes from his wardrobe.

Don’t be a nag and force him to wear clothes that you like.

2. Don’t Ever Tell Your Boyfriend That He Is Not Confident
Humans don’t work like machines, which is why you should never tell your boyfriend directly that he lacks confidence. No matter how irritated and frustrated you are, remove the words self-confidence and self-esteem from your dictionary while you are talking with him. Use subtle and indirect ways to boost his confidence levels, like the ones discussed in this article.

3. Whisper Image-Boosting Compliments to Your Guy When You Are in Public
Getting angry is not the right way to react if you are on a date with your boyfriend, and he suddenly starts feeling self-conscious. He will sink further into nervousness if you lose your cool too. The best way to deal with your guy’s dropping confidence level when you are out and about is to give him image-boosting compliments that will directly get to the root of his nervousness. Here are a few examples.
You are looking so handsome right now; all the girls must be swooning over you.

I am lucky to have the hottest guy in the room in my arms.
Have you done something different? You look deliciously attractive right now.

4. Compliment His Body
Women are not the only ones to have body image issues. Men also have reservations about their own bodies. Your boyfriend’s lack of confidence could be driven by a lack of self-esteem arising from body image issues. You can make him feel good about his own physique by giving compliments that are very specific. Your compliments will make him start taking pride in his body image over time. Here are a few examples.

Your broad shoulders turn me on all the time.

Your arms are so manly.
So many men out there would die to have a physique like you.

5. Express Happiness and Satisfaction in Your Relationship
Your boyfriend will passively draw heaps of confidence continuously if you show that you are happy being with him. Keep expressing your satisfaction in the relationship. Here are a few examples.

You are the best guy any girl could ever have. I am so lucky.
I must have done good deeds in the past to deserve such a loving boyfriend like you.

You are not only my boyfriend, but you are also my best friend. There must be only a few lucky girls like me who can be in love with both their best friend and lover at the same time.

6. Motivate Him to Forget His Past Relationships
Past relationships may have left a massive dent in your boyfriend’s self-esteem. He could have been dumped by his ex, who later went on a malicious spree of making him jealous on Facebook and spreading lies about him. Motivate your guy to forget about his past relationship. Here are a few lines you can use every time he starts talking about the past.

Oh forget it, you did the right thing, and I am proud of you.
I am really impressed with how maturely you dealt with the situation.
There’s no point worrying about things you can’t change; let’s enjoy being with each other right now.

7. Stop Interacting with Your Ex for Some Time
If your boyfriend is really shy, he may not say this to you explicitly, but he could be fretting over the fact that you are still in touch with your ex. Instead of asking him directly whether he has a problem, just stop interacting with your ex for a while.

See if this change makes a difference in your boyfriend’s behavior. If you notice a visible spike in his confidence levels, allow a few weeks to go by and subtly pick up this conversation.

8. Don’t Appreciate Bad Boy Behavior in Front of Your Guy
If you are dating a guy who is shy, he is likely to feel insecure in front of bad boys who are the stereotype alpha males. You can help him get over this insecurity by condemning that type of behavior. If you make the mistake of seeming amused or laughing in appreciation when an alpha male is up to his usual antics, your boyfriend will sink further into his own insecurities.


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