Friday, December 27, 2019

Unfortunately, too many men have bought into the notion that women only want men who are “hot,” rich, and powerful.

 It is true that some women are gold diggers, but those women are not quite as common as some men might fear.

On a superficial level, wealth and power can be attractive, but believe me when I say that a worthwhile woman is much more concerned with whether a man shows her some respect and maturity. Wealth and power are all well and good, but a truly decent woman isn’t interested in making love to your bank account. She wants a flesh and blood man who will be there for her through the hard times as well as good times.

Only a cynical man believes that all women want is half of his hard-earned assets. Such men truly miss the point of marriage and its’ noble purpose, which is to love, cherish and provide stability for the family and thus, society.

How To Turn Her Off Really Fast
Sadly, many woman have come to believe that the good man is a dying species. More and more dating women are complaining about how men are acting out in strange ways. For example, some guys somehow believe that sending half-naked pictures of themselves to a woman they hardly know, via text or by making sexually suggestive comments on a first date, is a turn-on for her. It isn’t. Not even remotely.

Men who act this way will never have the attention of a quality woman. Such immature and foolish behavior is highly insulting and disrespectful. Also, being a real man and displaying aggressive machismo techniques are at opposite ends of the “manliness” spectrum. Any male who confuses the two will never sustain a meaningful relationship with a loving woman who actually likes herself. The type of man who texts a woman at 11pm to find out if she wants to “do something” is not only on the wrong track, he has actually missed the train altogether. This should be obvious, but apparently some things need to be stated.

On the other hand, the world is full of decent men who are able and willing to treat women well. And some of you, who have been fortunate enough to find the woman of your dreams, are usually more than happy to let your best friend know he’s acting like an idiot if he thinks a good date consists of turning every conversation around to sex, sex, and more sex. Women want to be seen as a whole human being, not a combination body parts


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