Sunday, December 29, 2019

What is a love hate relationship?

Disagreements and moments of ego clashes exist in almost all relationships, and to a certain extent, these fights can help couples understand each other better. 
But a love hate relationship thrives on serious conflicts and incompatible personalities. And as cheerful and accommodating as both of you may be as individuals, it’ll still bring out the worst in you and your lover.
A love hate relationship is the kind of relationship where there’s more anger and frustration in the romance than love and happiness.
If you’re living through a love hate relationship, it doesn’t make you a bad person. Your partner and you could seriously love each other, but nevertheless, both of you may find yourself bringing out the worst in each other all the time.
The trend of a love hate relationship is easy to see. Your partner may annoy you all the time, but after cooling off, you’d realize that you actually do love this person.
While love hate relationships are almost always never planned, there are a few guys and girls who get into love hate relationships because they unintentionally love drama in their lives. These are the lovers who find their own lives rather boring and need confusions in their life to make it seem more exciting and dramatic! 

The two kinds of love hate relationships
There are two kinds of love hate relationships that you could experience in your life. And truth be told, neither one of them will do you any good.

#1 Love the relationship, but hate the lover. You like the idea of being in love, but you don’t love the person you’re dating or married to. You’re probably staying in the relationship only because you’re too afraid you won’t find someone to love you if you break up. Or you’re scared you can’t handle the trauma if your partner dates someone else immediately after breaking up with you. 

#2 Hate the relationship, but love the lover.You’re completely smitten by your lover, and you just can’t imagine your life without them. But yet, every time both of you get together, you realize that both of you share nothing in common, and the together-time is full of conflicts and disagreements, and both of you just can’t stand each other. 


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