Wednesday, December 25, 2019

How do you say “I love you!” to someone when you are scared?

 Perhaps you grew up in a home where hearing “I love you” was a rare occurrence. Or maybe you once told someone you loved them and you were rejected. Having your heart broken, especially when you are feeling vulnerable, can make it hard to muster up the courage to tell someone else you love them, no matter how wonderful the relationship is. If saying “I love you” is hard for you, you are not alone. I’d like to share some thoughts on how to let someone you care about really know how you feel. I hope they can help you open up the way you communicate with each other.

Is your fear of saying I love you building a wall between you and someone special?

“I love you” is one of the most exhilarating, confusing and amazing things one person can say to another. Even when people are in love, or are in the process of falling in love, finding the courage to say “I love you” to another person is hard for some people. There are many ways to enjoy strong emotional bonds with your intimate partner, even when saying the words I love you is hard for you.

For many people, the fear of saying “I love you” too soon in a relationship is very real.

Why are some people afraid to say “I love you”?
You may be anxious that if you say “I love you,” your boyfriend or girlfriend might get scared and pull away. Some people worry that if tell someone they love them, the object of their love and affection may not love them back.
Perhaps you grew up in a home where hearing “I love you” was a rare occurrence. Or maybe you once told someone you loved them and you were rejected. Having your heart broken, especially when you are feeling vulnerable can make it hard to muster up the courage to tell someone else you love them, no matter how wonderful the relationship is.

If you’re experiencing a dramatic change in your life, such as the end of a long-term relationship or the beginning of a new romance, finding the courage to say “I love you” to someone new can be scary. On the other hand, taking a courageous leap of faith and saying I love you, even when you are scared, can be incredibly satisfying. You may find out that the other person as just waiting for you to make the first move! It could be the beginning of something new and amazing!


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