Thursday, December 26, 2019

Truth #2: There is a Reason for the Pull You Feel

This truth becomes especially evident when you learn to stop resisting the situation. In order to stop resisting, you must arrive at acceptance for the following:

You have strong feelings for this person, even if they don’t seem to feel the same, or don’t demonstrate physically that they feel the same.
Neither walking away, nor attempts at control, nor this person (unwittingly) hurting you again and again can make your feelings go away.
You do not need to be in a relationship with the person to lead a purposeful, joyful life.

This is not about not being in a relationship with them, either. This is not a black-or-white story.

Perhaps you’ve seen that no matter what you do – whether that’s dating others, taking a break from romance, focusing on your career, writing your novel, traveling the world, moving to another state or country – this heart connection shows up in your thoughts on a regular basis. You cannot simply “make yourself” stop thinking about it. You cannot control your thoughts, although you can control how you act upon them.

If something shows up in your mind repeatedly over time, have you considered that maybe it is supposed to show up?

When we first recognize these connections, yes, a great deal of it is about healing. It is about us being triggered by the other in order to come to a greater state of love. However, it is also about enjoyment! It is about passion. It is about co-creating with another in love. You would not feel this continued pull if the purpose were only healing one or two specific wounds. You and this person have this bond because you have more in common than what may be obvious, and you are meant to journey together in love. You must be open to how the journey may look and what it may mean.

By contrast, you’ve also had connections where a person or relationship was solely there to help you heal something specific. Once this was accomplished and the lesson was learned, the person likely gravitated out of your experience, or you may still be in contact but not like you used to be. Certainly, you will not think of this person as much as you think of your love.


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