Wednesday, December 25, 2019

There Is No Perfect Man

Through trial and error, the single lifestyle continues to flourish while both sexes continue to make mistakes.

But will they learn from their mistakes? That is the question. Hopefully, this article will provide some answers.

Both men and women have their expectations on what they are looking for in their significant other. Or perhaps they aren’t looking for a mate, but instead are looking for someone to smash. For those unfamiliar with the term smash – it’s also referred to as sex.

I interviewed some of my single male friends about what they want to tell women and their responses were very interesting. I was quite surprised that I didn’t receive any duplicate responses.

These men were also quick to share their advice.

One of my favorite quotes was, “There are good men out there, but no perfect guy.” And as a woman, I agree. Perfection is overrated. Perfection is also boring. If one is perfect, there is no room for improvement.

I hope women don’t take these responses personally but instead take them to heart and learn a lesson or two or twenty-five. The responses should not place men in a bad spotlight as this is not my intention. Appreciate the humor, wit, sarcasm that they share and who knows you just might meet your match one day.

No names will be used to protect the innocent, or so they say.
Men Share Their Advice

1. We don’t want to hear about your previous relationships. We feel like you are comparing us and creating a label. Possibly down the road you could share, but not early in a relationship.

2. We might not want to date you, but we might want to smash you. If we could agree to just smash and you have no other expectations, we will get along just fine.

3. If you put out on the first date you will just be someone I smash. There will never be a future for us. Try waiting until after the third date.

4. Do not expect me to respond to every text you send me. Men don’t need constant communication.

5. We like the thrill of the chase. We don’t like when you are easy to catch. We don’t like when you are always available, that takes away from the thrill.

6. Don’t be demanding. We don’t like to take orders.
7. Don’t be afraid to approach us; to initiate contact. We don’t bite. Unless you want us too.

8. We understand you might have male friends which is why you should respect our female friends. We don’t want any cat fights.

9. We do not want any drama. And by any, we mean any.

10. Do not expect us to pay for everything. We like to be treated to a drink or meal also.


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