Sunday, December 29, 2019

How to know what someone’s touch means

In order to find out what a certain kind of touch means, you need to know what the basics are. In order to fully understand the meaning of a certain touch, you have to consider the location, the pressure, and the duration.
Apart from that, you need to determine the context of how the touch should be perceived. For example, if you’re with a date, some types of touches might be attributed to affection. If you’re with a stranger, it could simply be a move to establish familiarity 
As for negative situations, you’ll know the answer based on your instinct or by how a person acts and speaks. If you don’t like what they’re doing or what they’re saying, the touch that you receive might not be meant for establishing a connection. It could just be a way for them to get what they want, i.e., a favor, their own security, or a way to alleviate their fears.
#1 A pat on the back. A commendation, showing sympathy, an expression of pride, or an act of comfort.
#2 A hug. A greeting, a request for intimacy, or a gesture that denotes comfort.
#3 Gripping the arm. Fear of external forces, a request to stay put, or a way to acquire security and guidance.
#4 Rubbing the arm. A signal for more physical closeness, wanting to be warmer, showing sympathy, or a gesture that requires complacency from the receiver.
#5 Hitting. Anger *duh*, surprise, fear, and panic.
#6 Squeezing hug. Need for closeness, need for intimacy, fear, a request for protection, and comfort.
#7 Pushing. Disgust.
#8 Arm over shoulder. Protectiveness, affection, need for closeness.
#9 Arm around waist. Protectiveness, affection, familiarity.
#10 Both hands on shoulders. Persistence and wanting to convince someone. With shaking, it alludes to anger.
#11 Forehead against forehead. Love, affection, a plea for closeness.
#12 Cheek to cheek. A sign of closeness.
#13 Hands on face. Wanting to convey love nonverbally. 
#14 Hands on neck. Protectiveness, wanting to increase intimacy, and trying to express comfort.
#15 Rubbing your palm. A way to comfort yourself, a way to get another’s attention or arouse someone.
#16 Clasping their arm with yours. Friendship, wanting security, or wanting guidance.
#17 Touching your hair. Expressing familiarity or a need to be closer. 
#18 Resting head or face on shoulders. Expressing familiarity and comfort, wanting to be closer, and asking for affection.
#19 Rubbing inner thigh. Oh, you know what this means. A request for intimacy, sating of physical arousal, and a sign of comfort. 
#20 Holding one’s hand. A plea for closeness, guidance, a need for security, solidification of a friendship or pact, and reaching out to make a connection.
Bear in mind that these are not set in stone. They are just the most basic and obvious motives for certain types of touches. It is up to you to determine whether there is weight in their meaning or if it’s just a reflexive reaction, brought on by the current state of your relationship.
If it’s not love, they could be asking for friendship. If it’s not intimacy, they could be looking for security. If it’s not about an expression of familiarity or closeness, they could be just trying to get to know you better.
How can this help me?

No matter what someone’s motive is, knowing what precedes the thought can really help. Some people don’t know how to express themselves verbally, which makes it hard to start a lasting relationship where you’re open with one another.
Now that you know what certain touches mean, you have a guideline on how to proceed with your communication. It lets you know what sort of questions you need to ask and when it’s appropriate to ask them.


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