Saturday, December 21, 2019

You Found Love! Now What?

1. Keep your feet on the ground and don’t illusion yourself.

At the same time, enjoy the magic of chemistry two human beings can create with one another. Stay realistic but hopeful. This is a perfect balance, just like in nature, and can be difficult to accomplish. Luckily you have your friends and family to help keep you in perspective. Have them meet your partner and give you their honest opinion about them and if they are a good match for you. This is a priceless opinion because no one knows you better than your friends and family, plus they have an objective view. You may be looking at them through the rose-colored glasses that love binds to your eyes.

2. Keep your individuality.
This does not mean to be by yourself most of the time. It means to keep doing the things you want to do, even if you are in a relationship. If you love watching history documentaries, keep doing it! This is an opportunity for you and your partner. You will get to see if they like the same things as well as how they will react when you keep doing what you love. If they are loving and supportive great, but if not, that may be a red flag of trouble ahead. The ideal situation is that you both can do the same things you like together. But some alone time is also healthy. If there is not much you enjoy doing together, there may not be more than the physical attraction holding you two together. Not always, but sometimes this is the case.

3. Keep your options open.
Never settle for less than what you deserve. If this person matches everything you’ve been wanting in a person, GREAT! But if there are doubts in your mind, remember that there is no need for a commitment right away! If things were meant to work out with you and your partner, they will. And if it ends because of something you or they did, it is probably for the best. Actions and feelings don’t lie. Never stay in a relationship just because you don’t want to be alone. You were born with everything you need, and you’ve made some good friends since then, so you don’t need anyone to validate your existence.


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