Monday, December 23, 2019

The key of being loved is to love yourself first..Learn how to do it.

You are a person that has been given an incredible opportunity to live a joyful, happy and abundant life as well. If you analyze yourself closely for whom and what you are, you will find that there are things that you can love about who and what you are. And you should love yourself. You are a unique individual that has your own talents, skills and abilities that you have been blessed with. No matter what others may think of you, don’t let their opinions of you bring you down. This is sometimes easier said than done but the alternative to this is not a good one. Most of us have experienced times where we have been bothered, criticized and picked on by others for various reasons.

But through these hard times we must persevere and be resilient and get back up and go on with our lives. And you obviously have persevered and you are looking to make your life even better than it is. And by loving yourself, that is one of the many ways that you can make your life better.

As you think highly of yourself, you will continue to find qualities and traits to love about yourself. So what do you love about yourself? Do you love how you look on the outside? Do you love your caring, gentle nature? Do you love the fact that you are very considerate of others? Do you love and appreciate your ability to have great health? Do you appreciate your given ability to still be able to see? Do you appreciate the fact that you can still read this?

Often times when things are not going our way or when we are feeling sad, angry or depressed, we may think that there is something wrong with us. The truth is that there is really nothing wrong with you.

Everyone has their ups and downs in life. If someone does not think highly of you it has nothing to do with your attitude or behavior. If most people that you come into contact with enjoy being around you and appreciate your company that is all that matters and that is already a good sign there right in front of you.

That shows and foreshadows that your future will be filled with blissful moments, happiness, prosperity and success, for it is the positive people of this world that have the best careers and most successful lives and this can be proven. Their success is not only measured in financial terms. Positive people are generally successful in all areas of their life.

If you think of yourself negatively, you will only feel more miserable and you will attract only the negative, bitter and angry people towards you and that’s not a good way to live. You want to think of yourself in a positive way so that you can live a good life. This is so simple yet it is so true. Positive thinking done every day leads to good results. Surely you do have likeable and admirable qualities especially if you want to see every person you know live a great life. I am not saying that you can be positive and cheerful all the time. In order to do that, you would have to be totally spiritually enlightened and aware of your inner being. Your inner being is the essence of who you are. You have a name, I have a name and every other human on Earth has a name.

But we are not our name. We are all spirits in human form and we inhabit this planet in a physical form. But at the end of the day, our bodies have a spirit form. Our spirits need to be fed positive information for them to thrive and prosper. The best kind of positive information that you can feed it is by loving who you are.

Our job is to love ourselves for who we are. If we love ourselves, others will love us also. Loving who you are is one of the most positive things that you can do. With a positive attitude, you will feel better physically, mentally and emotionally as well. So take the time to really think about what you find loveable about you.

This is your life to live and try to do what you can to live a life of love. In order to be able to love someone you have to be able to love who you are first. Be well and have a nice day. And remember that loving yourself is priceless!


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