Friday, December 20, 2019

So if you’re single and feeling hopelessly lost, don’t fret. You really are not alone.

There are many couples who have been together since forever, but even they haven’t found love in each other’s eyes. 
You could read huge research papers or listen to therapists about their definition of love and try to learn from them.
But it really won’t take you anywhere. After all, love isn’t a road map to go from one place to another.
Love is like a magical recipe that changes with each person. And no therapy or study papers can help you there.
There are so many couples who have actually given up on finding love, and carry on their lives talking about fairytale romances and romantic movies with their friends, but they don’t really try to find love in their own lives.

What are you looking for?
If you’re trying to find love, what are you looking for? How do YOU find love? Understanding this will be the key to opening up better avenues and paths in your search for love. Try to pinpoint the type of partner that you’re looking for.
What are the most important aspects that you want in your partner? Knowing how to find love is about knowing what you want in a partner. Should your prospective partner be attractive, or charming, or earning a lot of money, or overly ambitious, or all of the above? Don’t sweat over the small stuff. It’s alright for the list to be vague.
Sometimes, it’s not easy to make a checklist in love, but it’s always better to create a list if you want to know how to find love. Love at first sight and passion won’t care about any lists, but checklists are always important in long term relationships. Once the passionate haze of initial love fades, reality comes into play and you’re going to wish you stuck to your list of wants in a partner. 

What is your partner looking for?
Now that you know what you want in a partner, let’s look into the mirror at your own prospective partner. What would your dream partner be looking for? This can be tricky, but it’s quite logical.
Let’s say you want to earn a billion dollars. Now that’s your hypothetical partner. If you were to ask the billion dollars what you should do to earn it, what do you think it would say? Of course, it’s not going to drop on your lap out of thin air. What do you think the billion dollars would say to you? Years of hard work, perseverance, dedication, blah and more blah?
Are you getting where we’re going? So you have a wish list of your dream partner. Now ask yourself what your prospective partner would want from you if they have to go out with you.


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