Monday, December 23, 2019

Rules for Breaking Up With The Hopes of Getting Back Together

You ready to do this? Here are five rules for breaking up with the intention of getting back together:

1. Follow each other with caution. Don’t be all over each other’s social media. It can ignite jealousy and give your a skewed view that your ex is having more fun without you than they actually are.

2. Don’t post things cryptically to your ex. Don’t be that person posting relationship memes and quotes like “I want a guy who uses his body as a doormat for my problems.” You’re better than that. Maintain some dignity and self-esteem and if you have something you really want to tell your ex, say it in a private message.

3. No “we can’t see other people” clauses. Don’t expect your partner to be a doll on a shelf. If you’re taking a break, you don’t belong to each other. If they want to go out on a date with another person, they’re free to do that and so are you.

4. Resist calling/texting or “hanging out” for the foreseeable future. It might not be a bad idea to instate a timeline for when you can start talking again or how much you can communicate at all. It might be weird not to talk at first so maybe you can agree to text each other twice a week at a certain time. Setting up these boundaries helps you to cut ties and give each other space without feeling like you’re totally freefalling.

5. If you can’t curb your jealousy, cut off all contact. If one or both of you are dealing with overwhelming jealousy then it’s time to break off all contact. Jealousy is a natural side effect of taking time apart, but let it take over and it’ll sour the whole point of taking a break, which is to get to know yourselves better in the hopes of having a healthier partnership.


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