Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Obvious Signs That He Doesn’t Like You

Red Flags That He Isn’t Into You
If you’re just getting to know a guy, and you see any of the following signs, that’s an immediate signal to cut your losses and move on.

When you enter a room, he gets out as quickly as possible.
He doesn’t know or remember your name, even though you’ve met quite a few times.

He doesn’t laugh at your jokes. In fact, he actually says your jokes are terrible and would like for you to never use them again.

When you touch him, he asks you to stop. He is disgusted by the presence of your hands on his body.
He has no capacity for staying more than 30 minutes around you.
He always looks angry and annoyed when he sees you.

Definite Signs That He’s Losing Interest in Your Relationship
If you’re already dating, heavily invested, or even married, and any of the following are true, you may need to seriously reconsider your relationship or seek out counseling. All relationships have ups and downs, but if you are feeling unappreciated or feel like the “spark” has faded, consider outside support.

Are you wondering if your boyfriend, fiancé, or husband is not that into you? Here are some red flags to watch out for:

There’s no physical spark. When he kisses you, it is short, brief, and lacks passion.

He never cuddles with you. Men do, in fact, like to cuddle. Instead, he pushes you away and says you are clingy.
He’s always looking at his feet. This could be a really bad sign that he is hiding something or is feeling beyond insecure.

He cuts people off and tries to prevent them from sharing details about him. He makes gestures for people to keep quiet. He could be cheating or up to no good.

What If I Still Can’t Tell Whether He Likes Me?
If it seems like it is taking forever to figure out whether a guy likes you, ask him what’s up and do it in a way that would make you feel comfortable if it were the other way around. Ask him if he sees you as a mere acquaintance, a friend, or more than a friend. Don’t be afraid to ask, but also be prepared for a less-than-satisfactory answer.
Is He Uninterested or Just Shy?
A lot of men will take charge and pursue you, but there are some shy guys who would rather not put themselves out there. From being introverted to being afraid of rejection, there are a lot of
reasons a guy might be shy or hesitant about approaching you (and you may well empathize with some of them!).

So if you suspect that the guy you have your eye on might just be shy, here are a few ways to get his attention.
Ways to Get a Shy Guy’s Attention
Find a Common Interest. Sometimes that initial icebreaker is all it takes to get a guy’s attention. Ask questions about what he did in school, his job, if he has a big family, his hobbies, his favorite foods, etc. One of those questions should trigger a full-on conversation. He’ll get more excited and interested if he knows what to talk about with you.

Meet Him in the Middle. Create an atmosphere where he feels in his element. This might be a more private environment or a place where he feels comfortable. This will help boost his confidence and make it more likely that you two will hit it off.
Use His Name in Conversation. This will make it clear that you’ve noticed him and are engaged by him.
Compliment Him. This will make it clear to him that he shouldn’t be afraid to return the favor.

Ask Open-Ended Questions. Showing curiosity and genuine interest in him should inspire the same feelings in him.
Initiate Physical Contact. A subtle touch to his elbow or friendly punch on the shoulder will invite him to reciprocate. Note that this should only be done after you’ve been chatting for a while and you’ve gotten some
signs that he is into you.
Don’t be afraid to start a random conversation. You never know how it might turn out!
At the End of the Day, Just Be Yourself
Most guys are looking for someone they can really enjoy. That’s when they’re wanting a long-term relationship. You can’t force love, so don’t try too hard. Just be yourself. Love will find a way. There are lots of people you’ll get to meet in this lifetime, so don’t settle on someone who isn’t interested in you.

source http://tasboy.com/obvious-signs-that-he-doesnt-like-you/

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