Friday, December 20, 2019

Is he acting different? 5 signs he might be over you.

1. He Doesn’t Know What He Wants
If your boyfriend has directly told you that he doesn’t know if he loves you, or that he “loves you but not in love with you”, or he loves you but not sure you are “the one” – it means his feelings for you have changed.

These are all (quite pathetic) attempts to tell you that he is no longer in love with you, without facing the “women drama” that all guys fear.

One of my ex boyfriends (I was so in love with him) told me that he still loves me but not sure he wants to live with me anymore and wants to try living apart (But not break up).
This was of course a load of BS, but I couldn’t handle the underlying message and stayed with him for a whole month after he moved out from our apartment.

Every day I waited for him to change his mind and come back, until a month later I told him I can’t do this anymore and broke up with him.
Obviously he did not protest…because it was exactly what he wanted.

2. He Doesn’t Care About Your Feelings
If you notice that your boyfriend seem to not notice when you are upset anymore, or notices but ignores it – it’s a red flag.
A guy in love will recognize that his girl is in pain or distress and will at least try to bring a smile back to her face.
If you cry about something and he ignores you or worse – gets annoyed – it may mean that he is hiding his guilt feelings about losing the love for you.

3. He Blames You for Everything
If your boyfriend acts distant, ignores you, doesn’t communicate and avoids you while accusing you of doing these exact things , he is
signaling you th
This is because he feels a lot of guilt from falling out of love. And the easiest way to relieve this guilt is by convincing himself that the feelings are mutual and in fact, you don’t love him anymore either.
Does that make sense to you?
How relieved would you be if you stopped loving a guy but knew that he feels the same and won’t be heartbroken by it when you tell him?
That’s what’s going in his mind (probably subconsciously).
Another related sign is checking the relationship status obsessively. If your boyfriend keeps asking “are we o.k.”? (In one way or another) – nothing is o.k.

4. He Changes Priorities
If your boyfriend does one of these things:
      1. Gradually or suddenly starts to ignore your texts and calls (and make stupid excuses for it)
      2. Prefers hanging out with his friends and family (without you)
      3. Shows you that you are not his priority anymore
      4. Spends more time with his female best friend (here’s what to do when your boyfriend’s best friend is a girl )
He may have lost interest in your relationship and trying to do the “fade out” breakup.
My ex boyfriend not only found stupid excuses to avoid seeing me, calling me and answering my texts, but made sure I found out he was lying.
For example, he would tell me that he is busy at work, but then his brother would “accidentally” tell me how they went out for drinks together at that exact time.
He wanted me to know.

5. He Says He Loves You but Doesn’t Make Time for You
Couples in love make plans all the time. From little plans like going out tomorrow to big plans like moving in together some day, or having 2.4 children.
If your boyfriend suddenly stops making plans with you or stops talking about the future he sees with you, it’s a bad sign.
My ex boyfriend made it even clearer than this. He told me that in the future he wants to live in a different country, but never mentioned anything about me coming with him. It was clear that he holds no place for us in his future.
👉 Want to talk to me? ask a question? I’m always available on my Facebook Page messenger!


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