Friday, December 20, 2019

How can you help your husband cheat on you without you knowing

A mature man who takes his commitment to a particular woman seriously will usually not cheat. I say “usually,” because there are three main factors that will greatly influence whether your man cheats or not:

1. His ethics (or lack of them).
2. His mastery over himself (or lack of it). (Self-control, self-discipline, maturity. It has many names.)

3. Opportunity.
Notice that none of the things listed were “how much he loves you.” Many women erroneously believe that a man will not cheat on her if he simply loves her enough. This is not true.

Maybe, in her mind, she would never cheat on her boyfriend because she loves him, but the reverse is not true much of the time. Often, men don’t cheat because they have fallen out of love with you, they cheat because they simply have the opportunity and have no ethical or moral problem with it.

It’s the same reason anybody would do anything else. Let’s say that you were a 14-year-old at a convenience store and you had no ethical problem stealing a candy bar. Let’s say the attendant was in the bathroom, so you had ample opportunity and you probably wouldn’t get caught. Would you steal?

Probably yes. When it comes to being unfaithful, many people have this mentality. No amount of love for you will keep them from cheating because they simply assume that they won’t get caught, and they don’t feel particularly bad for what they did.

That is why personal closeness and affection in the relationship are a poor gauge of whether your partner will be faithful. Ultimately,

cheating behavior is less about you and more about your boyfriend’s principles and whether they are strong enough to resist the very intense force of his sex drive. This is even more relevant in situations where he has a lot of opportunity to cheat with attractive women.
Going back to the short list of factors above, if a man has ethics that discourage cheating—for example, he is religious—he might be less likely to cheat. However, many people have morals that they don’t live up to, so simply believing that he shouldn’t cheat isn’t enough. He must also have the self-mastery to live up to his own beliefs. Finally, if the opportunity to cheat presents itself and it’s too easy or enticing, he may not have the self-control to resist the temptation.

Most men will not say “no” if the sexual opportunity is being served on a silver platter. It’s just that most men will never see that silver platter because they are not high-status enough to attract droves of women. In the case of a high-status guy with tons of opportunity, only his ethics and his self-control stand in the way of cheating.

If fidelity is a priority for you, it is much better to have a man who isn’t sure if he loves you yet, but who is highly mature, than to have a man who is passionate about you, but weak-willed. Love is not enough to keep him loyal. Always prioritize men with a strong ethical foundation if you’re looking for a drama-free life.

However, that still doesn’t mean he won’t cheat. Nothing will ever guarantee that your boyfriend will keep it in his pants 100% of the time—you can just increase your chances of success.

If you’re not sure where your boyfriend or love interest stands in all of this, you may have to look at some signs of how he acts in other areas of his life to determine how likely he might be to cheat in the future. Ask yourself a few important questions after taking a close look at his behavior:


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