Thursday, December 19, 2019

Help your partner go through depression


This can be a really difficult one to handle. Sometimes when people are caught up in cycles of depression, they can feel incredibly hopeless and become trapped in self pity. They also completely catastrophize every little situation and convince themselves that no one loves them, and they are the most useless human being on the planet. Calmly remind your loved one that they are in fact loved, and that it is not the end of the world. Help rationalize their fears and doubts, and give them simple steps that they can take to get out of this rut. Patience, again, is key here.

Your loved one may argue with you, and completely blow everything out of proportion. And while this can get frustrating, don’t belittle them or their worries. If you have given every piece of advice you have, tried to rationalize with them, and they still feel like shit- take a step back.

Take a deep breath, and calmly say, “I’m sorry you feel this way.” Then offer to just simply cuddle, or do something like watch a movie or take a nap together. And just give your loved one some time to calm down and process what you said. Chances are that later they will start feeling a little better.

I don’t claim to speak for everyone with anxiety and depressive disorders. What may work for some people may not work for others. However, the best and last piece of advice I could give anyone who loves someone with depression and anxiety is this:

Take the time to talk to your loved one about what they are experiencing. While you may not be able to fully understand, it will sure be a load off of their shoulders to know that they have someone who is on their side.


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