Sunday, December 22, 2019

Getting What You Want and Need As a Wife Without Demanding It

If you are concerned with never getting your way if you become submissive to your husband, consider that your husband will want to make you happy when you are an easy-going, gracious wife. Be kind and polite to your husband, and he will respond in kind.
Your charms will do more for you as a wife than any complaining or fighting will. It might sound odd at first, but gentleness and femininity are elixirs for men. They cannot experience those womanly qualities anywhere else but in a relationship. The competitiveness of the working world and even the dynamic between his friends is usually macho and aggressive, and a man’s relationship is the one place he can really get solace from all of that. You husband will be grateful to you for showing your softer, submissive side.
Have You Really Enjoyed Independence and Gender Neutrality That Much?
I was fed the same lies as millions of other women growing up in the 80s and 90s— put career first and look for marriage later—because women supposedly fared so much better with independence. Well, my career gave me a lovely paycheck but exposed me to endless corporate battles, tough deadlines, work enemies, and stress. In short, it was everything my character was not set up to deal with. My character is extremely feminine.
When I traded my paper-pushing for a husband, I found that satisfaction my character had been looking for—that right fit. I found I fell naturally into a role of being the protected, spoiled, submissive wife to my leader, dominant, provider, protective husband.
Using a business analogy, I think of my husband as my own special client, one that provides me with mutual rewards.
In The Surrendered Wife , author Laura Doyle provides examples of how to fit the submissive wife lifestyle into your relationship until it becomes second-nature, and you reap those mutual rewards! She goes in-depth into how to enjoy submissiveness with intimacy, with feeling protected by your strong husband, and with feeling free to be your most feminine self in your marriage, despite the modern influences against femininity.
Remember that femininity and masculinity are reciprocal in nature and one cannot exist without the other. It is not bad to be feminine and to act in response to the masculine nature of men. The feminist movement has tried to remove femininity from women and remove masculinity from men, it is not natural. Allow your true feminine nature to come out in your marriage and you will find greater happiness.


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