Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Dont rush into marriage.. get to know her first

It would seem that making the decision to live together before getting married makes a lot of sense. It gives potential life partners a chance to get to know each other at a level that reveals daily habits and household customs.
Retiring to bed each night and waking up with the same person each morning will eventually expose that person’s true nature.
It appears smart for two people to acquire firsthand knowledge of whether they can live under the same roof. Despite differences in their living habits, couples want to make an informed decision before they move forward to marry without regrets.
From a practical standpoint, living together before making a lifetime commitment addresses the following concerns:
Does my mate have a personal cleanliness or hygiene issue?
Is my mate a chronic slob?
Are there obsessive cleaning tendencies in my mate?
Is my mate a secret hoarder?
Does my mate snore excessively or have a sleeping disorder?
Is my mate a good money manager or have debt problems?
Will our aesthetics and decorating ideas clash?
Does my mate have emotional issues that interfere with healthy communication, compromise, and negotiation skills?
Are there any unforeseen substance abuse or addiction issues?
Is there a hidden mental diagnosis causing problems with normal functioning, organization and daily living skills?


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