Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Sex Workers Denounce Photo Offering DP Ruto Free Sex

The Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA) has distanced itself from a photo that has been doing rounds on social media platforms purporting to support Deputy President William Ruto.

The poorly photoshopped image shows sex workers holding a banner thanking the DP for supporting their work and offering him their services for free. It reads: “Asante Ruto for supporting our hustle. Wewe tutakupea free!”

However, the original image was taken in December 2015 during demonstrations in Kisumu where the banner read, “Stop killing sex workers, they are human.”

The Kenya Sex Workers Alliance (KESWA) confirmed the same in a statement saying it does not associate itself with politics.

“KESWA wishes to clarify that the pics are fake and did not originate from us or any of our member organisations.

“The photos were from previous marches and demos to call to attention the plight and killings of sex workers in various parts of the country,” KESWA National Coordinator Phelister Abdalla stated.

Phelister added: “We want to reiterate our position as a national movement that we do not engage neither endorse any political party, candidate or person.”

“We wish to call on the relevant authorities to investigate the source of these images which have been used to malign certain individuals.”

source http://nairobiwire.com/2020/09/sex-workers-denounce-photo-offering-dp-ruto-free-sex.html

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