Thursday, April 8, 2021

Oxygen Taskforce Sparks WILD Reactions From Kenyans

In a bid to address the oxygen shortage in the country, the government has come up with a “brilliant” idea to form an ‘Oxygen Task force’.

Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe announced the formation of the taskforce Thursday citing the rising cases of critical care patients in need of oxygen in the country.

The ministry said the task force is working on a master plan as well as assessing the infrastructure and economies of scale per hospital to address the situation.

“The Oxygen Taskforce has identified issues of service, maintenance and operations and pipping as a requirement, which we are currently working on to address with partners such as the World Bank and the French Government,” the ministry said.

“All suppliers are working hard to address the shortage and ensure that the oxygen is available.”

As you would expect, the formation of the Oxygen Taskforce drew the ire of a majority of Kenyans on social media who are rightfully fed up with the government’s penchant for forming committees and task forces in times of crisis.

Some claimed the task force is a waste of already dwindling public resources. Others described the oxygen taskforce as ridiculous as others said it was a ploy to steal public funds.

We have sampled some reactions from Kenyans on Twitter:


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