Wednesday, April 28, 2021

I Don’t Deserve Such Treatment, Linturi Laments Dramatic Arrest

Meru Senator Mithika Linturi was Wednesday afternoon arrested under unclear circumstances, forcing Speaker Kenneth Lusaka to postpone the Senate sitting on the BBI Bill.

Linturi was later released following complaints from Senators who threatened to boycott the debate on the BBI Bill.

When the Meru senator returned to the chambers, he said armed DCI officers who were in three vehicles dramatically arrested him from his home in Nairobi.

“The few hours I have been in the hands of my good brother Kinoti has not been one of the best experiences, to say the least. But I must thank this House who have seen it very necessary to stand up and be with me…not because I am not answerable to agencies investigating any matter or that I am not supposed to be arrested,” said Linturi.

The Senator castigated the DCI saying he should have been treated with dignity.

“Today is a serious day in the history of this country. Despite that serious moment in our history that will not probably come in the next few years… I find it very absurd. I would have been summoned to go to the DCI on Monday or yesterday or any other day but doing it today is what is very painful. When I left here and went to my house after reading the Bill, I found police officers in three vehicles brandishing guns wanting to arrest me. I don’t think I deserve such a treatment,” he averred.

Adding: “Mr Speaker we require to be treated with dignity we require to be told whenever we have done anything wrong or something is being investigated to appear and shed light. I can’t leave Kenya. I’m elected. If I was to run away I would lose my seat.”

Linturi said he was directed to appear before the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) on Thursday morning.

“I have been told to appear tomorrow at 9 o’clock but we shall be here to debate this Bill. So I don’t know what we shall do. Because I need to be here.”


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