Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Keroche’s New Strong Beer will Generate Sh1B to KRA, says Tabitha Karanja

Keroche Breweries Ltd is banking on its newly launched Vienna Ice Strong Lager to generate more than Sh1 billion to Kenya Revenue Authority annually.

Despite a 25 percent drop in beer sales due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Naivasha-based brewer exuded confidence that it will recover through the new brand that boasts 10 percent alcohol content.

During the new Vienna Ice Strong Lager launch on Tuesday, April 27, Keroche CEO Tabitha Karanja said the beer was the first strongest locally brewed in the market.

“The new product Vienna Ice Strong Lager will generate over Sh1 billion to KRA every year and this will rise with time as per our market projections,” she said.

Ms Karanja said they introduced the new beer brand following a two-year survey which indicated the absence of strong beer in the country.

“For years, consumers have relied on imports in this market and the new brand which is unique will fill this gap,” Karanja said.

The Keroche founder also revealed plans were underway to launch another brand of strong beer in the next three months.


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