Thursday, April 29, 2021

DP Ruto Uses President Biden to Vindicate his Hustler Movement

Deputy President William Ruto has once again defended the Hustler movement that he is banking on to take him to State House after the 2022 elections.

Without saying a word, Ruto, through his Twitter account, used a statement from US President Joe Biden to vindicate his Hustler movement that seeks to empower the ordinary mwananchi and grow the economy from the Bottom Up.

On Wednesday, President Biden made his first address to Congress. One of his declarations was that it was time to grow the American economy from the bottom up.

Biden’s remark was also posted to the POTUS Twitter account on Thursday, which DP Ruto used to justify his Hustler strategy.

“Trickle-down economics has never worked. It’s time to grow the economy from the bottom up and middle out,” reads President Biden’s tweet.

DP Ruto’s Twitter handlers then took a screenshot of Biden’s tweet and shared it alongside a tweet he(Ruto) posted last year.

It reads: “Countrymen, finally the Wheelbarrow/Mkokoteni/Bodaboda moment is here. The discourse about; Hustlers not tribes; wananchi not leaders; empowerment of ordinary hustles not power for the few; ordinary hustler jobs not positions for the mighty’ from Bottom up not top down, Jipange.”

Ruto also made sure to highlight the dates on both tweets perhaps to prove that he is ahead of the curve.



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