Thursday, April 22, 2021

Oparanya Not Ditching ODM But Open to Working with DP Ruto

Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya has clarified that his meetings with Deputy President William Ruto do not mean he is planning to quit the Orange Democratic Movement(ODM).

The ODM deputy party leader, who has applied for the party’s presidential ticket, said he has met Ruto several times to discuss 2022 politics.

Oparanya said Ruto is his friend and he is open to working with him.

“You can be his enemy, but the Deputy President is my friend. Kenyans should allow leaders to express themselves and talk freely,” Oparanya said during an interview on Ingo FM.

The Kakamega county boss said he is also planning to hold talks with President Kenyatta and Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka to discuss the state of the nation and 2022 politics.

“I will be meeting the Wiper leader very soon. I also want to meet the President and leaders of other parties, among them Musalia Mudavadi and Moses Wetang’ula, to discuss the same,” he added.

Oparanya also noted that his party leader Raila Odinga was aware of his meetings with Ruto, who last week said he had met the Kakamega governor at least five times.

“I cannot ignore Ruto. He has his people intact. Nobody can beat him in Rift Valley. We were in ODM together. We talk business, official issues, and the last time we met he said alliances are coming so that we plan for them,” Oparanya said.

“Raila has been meeting President Uhuru Kenyatta, but he has never even imagined leaving ODM to join Jubilee. Those saying I am leaving ODM are not even members of our party,” he added.


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