Thursday, April 22, 2021

Maribe, Jowie Murder Trial Set for Next Month

The trial of journalist Jacque Maribe and Joseph Irungu alias Jowie for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani will resume next month.

The case came up for hearing virtually on Wednesday but was adjourned after the parties sought to have the matter heard in open court.

Justice Grace Nzioka considered their request and directed the matter to be heard from May 5 in open court.

20 witnesses have already testified in the case, with the prosecution lining up seven more before the case is closed.

Jowie and Jacque have denied killing Monica and are out on a cash bail of Sh2 million each.

RELATED: ‘I Was Scared of Jowie Because He Would Walk Around with a Gun’ – Maribe’s Househelp Testifies


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