Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Justice Martha Koome Assures Kenyans, “You’re in Safe Hands”

Martha Koome has pledged to serve Kenyans to the best of her ability after the Judicial Service Commission nominated her to be the next Chief Justice.

“You are in safe hands and I thank God you prayed for me,” she said on Tuesday shortly after her nomination.

Koome, who will become Kenya’s first female Chief Justice once President Kenyatta approves her appointment, attributed her nomination to God.

“This is the hand of the Lord. I am a servant of the Lord and I see this is a higher calling from the Lord for me to serve people.

“I have so many people who prayed for me, especially the children at Imani Children’s Home who dedicated every Tuesday to praying for me. It is the doing of the Lord,” she said.

Madam Chief Justice Koome also issued a statement on Wednesday saying she was honoured and grateful to the Judicial Service Commission for nominating her to succeed David Maraga.

“It will indeed be an honour and a great privilege for me to serve this great country as the Chief Justice if confirmed to the office,” he said.

“I appreciate this was after a thorough, rigorous and a very competitive process that saw some of the best legal minds come forward as capable candidates demonstrating their willingness to serve Kenyans.”

“As l continue to prepare for the next stage, l wish to convey my profound gratitude to all well-wishers who encouraged and prayed for me. I continue to thank God and seek your prayers as I go through the confirmation process,” she said.

“I wish to assure Kenyans of my unwavering commitment to serve them to the best of my abilities.”


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