Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Kamene Goro: A Cyberbully Said she Insulted me to Get my Attention

Kamene Goro recently had a bizarre encounter with a troll and took to social media to sound a warning to other cyberbullies.

In a video posted to her Instagram page, the Kiss 100 radio presenter narrated how one of her 918k followers wrote derogatory words forcing her to privately respond to them.

In their interaction, the troll explained that she was trying to catch Kamene’s attention because she needed her assistance.

“Here is the thing about trolling that is very dangerous, it’s that you do not know when you will need that person you are trolling. The other day some young chick went and wrote some nasty comments on my page, so I slid to her DM and asked her kama nimekosea mahali, the chick said no, that she was only trying to catch my attention and assistance with something. So, her reason was that she insults me so that I can help you,” Goro narrated.

The radio personality went on to declare that she would never help such a person as she warned other trolls against cyberbullying.

“Long story short, that is not anyone I am ever going to help. A lot of these people you are trolling you never know, they might be the person you are looking for a job from, might be the person who might facilitate that loan for you,” Kamene said.


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A post shared by Kamene Goro (@kamenegoro)

source http://nairobiwire.com/2021/04/kamene-goro-a-cyberbully-said-she-insulted-me-to-get-my-attention.html

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