Monday, April 19, 2021

City Inmate Says He’s Paralysed After KNH Surgery to Remove Testicle

An inmate at Nairobi West Prison has lamented that a surgery he underwent at Kenyatta National Hospital to remove one of his testicles left him paralyzed from the waist down.

Elijah Ngayuni told K24 Digital on Monday, 19 April that he needs help as he fears that he might not be able to have a family.

“I have four years left to finish my sentence but I am very scared that I might not be able to have a family. I need help,” said the convict.

The 32-year-old is serving a 10-year manslaughter sentence.

He said he was admitted to KNH for a surgical procedure to remove one testicle and secure the other on March 16, 2021.

After undergoing a successful four hour surgery, Nyaguni was discharged on March, 18 only for him to develop complications later on.

The inmate claimed he can not walk because the anaesthesia used on him during the surgery left him almost paralyzed from the waist.

He also complained that the prison has not taken him back for further treatment due to the alleged payment standoff between KNH and the Kenya Prisons Service.

“The testicle that was removed was twisted, malformed and had an infection that could affect my other good testicle. That’s why it was removed although the situation is getting worse,” he said.

Sources from Nairobi West prison, however, said the inmate was given an appointment date for 29th September 2021.

“We cannot take him back to the hospital until the set appointment date. We have a medical facility at the prison and he is been attended to,” said the source.

An officer at Nairobi West prison told K24 digital that there is no payment dispute between KNH and the prison.


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