Monday, April 5, 2021

Couple Drowns While Taking Selfies During Easter Holiday

A couple drowned Sunday evening while celebrating the Easter holiday at River Nyamindi in Mbiri, Kirinyaga County.

According to witnesses, the man and woman who were not from the area arrived in the village on a motorcycle. They then proceeded to the bank of the swollen river, parked the motorcycle under a tree, and went on to enjoy the beautiful scenery.

The couple was then seen taking pictures by the river banks before they slipped and fell into the raging waters and swept downstream.

“We saw the duo taking a selfie before suddenly plunging into the river. It was then that we rushed to the scene and tried to rescue them in vain,” said a resident, Eliud Muriithi.

“They were clinging onto each other. It was a very sad and emotional incident,” he added.

The eyewitness also noted that locals had warned the pair about the river.

“We shouted in warning when we saw the danger they were exposing themselves to but they would not listen to us,” said Muriithi.

The area residents said they searched for the victims for hours before alerting police to join the search party.

Gichugu Sub-County DCI boss Millicent Ochuka warned against trips to the river during the rainy season.

“They(officers) will not rest until the two are found. Visitors should watch the river at a distance to avoid such incidents,” she said.


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