Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Day Akothee was Offered Peanuts to Perform at Govt Function

As the debate on what ails the Kenyan music industry rages on for the umpteenth time, musician Akothee joined the discussion and revealed why Kenyan artistes are struggling.

In an interview with Radio Maisha, Akothee pointed a finger at the government and the media for neglecting Kenyan music acts.

“Kenyan artistes have been ignored, we don’t get enough support,” she said.

Akothee said it hurts to see foreign artistes receive handsome paychecks to perform in the country while local singers receive peanuts.

According to Akothee, the media has glorified foreign music at the expense of Kenyan music.

“Inauma sana wakati unaona wasanii wageni ambao wanakuja hapa, wanalipwa pesa ambazo hawalipwi huko kwao, sababu gani, radio ya hapa imewapatia nguvu, media ya hapa imewapatia nguvu, sasa wakifika hapa vile wanafuatwa, utafikiria wakitoka hii country, yule jamaa anaenda kujenga 5 bedroom,” she said.

Speaking from personal experience, Akothee recounted a day she was offered a measly Sh150,000 to perform at a county government function.

“Kuna siku niliambiwa niende kuperform Kisii, government function, nikauliza ngapi wakasema Sh150,000. Nikasema Sh150,000, initoe kwangu nyumbani niende huko Kisii kung’ang’ana, nikasema yaani hizi ndio pesa wasanii wanachukua?” she wondered.

Akothee declined the offer and faulted the government for underquoting artistes and thus killing the local music industry.

The singer advised fellow artistes to stand their ground and demand what they truly deserve. She mentioned that she charges nothing less than Sh1 million.

“Iwapo nikiitwa kwenye show mi hupeana rate card yangu ambayo ni Sh1Miliion kwa sababu nauza brand… it is the value I am bringing on board,” she said.


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