Tuesday, November 23, 2021

City Man in Court For Stoning his Wife’s Alleged Lover

A man was Tuesday arraigned in court for assaulting a man he suspected was having an affair with his wife.

Anthony Mwaniki Nyaga admitted that he stoned Evance Nduto Muasya out of revenge.

“I did it because he seduced my wife; it was out of anger,” the accused told Kibera senior principal magistrate Monica Maroro.

Mwaniki was charged with willfully and unlawfully assaulting Muasya and occasioning him bodily harm.

The assault was committed at the City Park area in Westlands within Nairobi county on November 11.

The court heard that rumour had it that Muasya had been secretly seeing Mwaniki’s wife. A police report added that Mwaniki faced ridicule from his friends and decided to take the bull by the horns.

On the day of the attack, Mwaniki waited for the complainant while armed with a stone. At around 9.30 pm, the accused spotted the complainant heading to his house.

Mwaniki confronted Muasya, asking him why he was having an affair with his wife. Before Muasya could defend himself, Mwaniki hit him on the lower side of his eye using the stone.

It took the intervention of a passerby to rescue the victim from Mwaniki’s wrath. Muasya sought medical treatment and reported the attack to police.

Despite telling the court that he attacked Muasya for having an affair with his wife, the court entered a plea of not guilty.

Mwaniki was released on a cash bail of Sh10,000 pending mention of the case on November 29.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/city-man-in-court-for-stoning-his-wifes-alleged-lover.html

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