Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Senator Ledama Olekina Sued For Sh350K Child Support

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina has been dragged to court for allegedly neglecting his fatherly responsibilities for his one-year-old son.

Through Lawyer Ojijo Kepher, the boy’s mother is seeking monthly child support of Sh350,000.

The woman is seeking an order to compel the senator to pay interim maintenance of Sh200,000 being child support for the minor pending hearing and determination of the case.

In court papers, the woman says she met Senator Ledama Ole Kina in September 2019, and soon after an intimate relationship developed for a substantive period of time.

She says she gave birth to their son on October 20, 2020. She claims she informed the politician about the pregnancy but he cut off communication with her.

“When I conceived and realised I was pregnant, I immediately informed the senator that he was going to be a father but to my dismay and utter shock he cut off communication with me,” she said.

She also claims she informed the Senator when the child was born and requested him to take responsibility but he gave her a cold shoulder.

“I was left with no other choice but to settle all the cost and bills during the pregnancy, scans, birthing without any involvement or assistance of the respondent,” she adds in court papers.

“I have singlehandedly catered for all the needs of the minor including shelter, clothing, food, nanny services and medical bills without any assistance from him.”

The woman mentioned that Senator Ledama has shown no interest in taking care of the minor and has severally demonstrated that he is not concerned with the minor’s welfare.

“I have since lost my employment and cannot fully sustain the basic needs of minor at his tender age alone,” she claims.

The woman has attached medical bills and receipts in the court papers.

In a letter dated 3rd September 2021, and addressed to the senator, the woman indicated that the Sh.350,000 will utilised as follows; house help Sh17,000, food Sh50,000, medical Sh40,000, shelter Sh80,000, clothing Sh50,000, entertainment Sh43,000, utility bills Sh50,000 and service charge of Sh20,000.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/senator-ledama-olekina-sued-for-sh350k-child-support.html

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