Thursday, November 25, 2021

Hii Kiti sio ya Mama Yangu…: DPP Haji on Petitions Seeking his Removal from Office

Director of Public Prosecutions Noordin Haji has downplayed the four petitions that have been filed seeking his removal from office.

Speaking during an interview with KBC on Wednesday night, Haji said he is not worried about losing his job because it does not belong to his mother.

DPP Haji acknowledged that when the time comes, he would leave office.

“I am a man of God… I cannot be in this office forever. If PSC feels that I have to leave, then due process must be followed. Hii kiti sio ya mama yangu,” he said.

Haji noted he has never been involved in corruption and insisted that his office will not take on cases ‘for the sake of it’.

“If anyone has evidence(of corruption), then let him table it and I will challenge it in court,” he said.

“We will only bring cases that are watertight and the ones we think have chances of conviction… I will not play to the gallery with a matter I know is going nowhere,” he stated.

Haji also refuted claims that his office overlooks corruption cases involving high-profile individuals.

“When we are ready, we will prosecute. The evidence must be of a certain nature for us to say this is money that has been lost and these are the people with that money.”


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