Friday, October 9, 2020

Outcomes Of Cabinet Meeting Chaired By President Uhuru Kenyatta


His Excellency the President Thursday chaired a Cabinet Meeting at State House, Nairobi. At the sitting, Cabinet considered the prescriptions and directives issued by the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) regarding the Preservation of Public Order and Security in the Conduct of Public Gatherings and Processions, Media Reporting and Responsible Conduct of Persons using Social Media.

Cabinet noted with concern that over the last month, and as the Government progressively eased the containment measures put in place to stem the spread of the novel Coronavirus Disease, Kenya has experienced growing political tensions that have exacerbated partisan divides and threatened peace, security and harmony within our Nation.

This fast-evolving situation threatens to derail the delivery of the Administration’s transformative agenda for the Country; as well as jeopardize Kenya’s image and place within the community of nations, which has been recently uplifted by Kenya’s membership of the United Nations Security Council as a non-permanent member.

In that regard, Cabinet unanimously endorsed and ratified the prescriptions and directives as issued by the National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC) as National Security Advisory, whose effect would commence immediately.

To institutionalize the prescriptions and directives issued by the NSAC, Cabinet approved the establishment and immediate operationalization of a Multi –Agency Team on Public Order comprising of representatives from the following state and public offices:


Ministry of Interior and Government of National Government


  1. Office of the Attorney-General and Department of Justice;
  2. Ministry of ICT, Innovation & Youth Affairs;
  3. National Intelligence Services;
  4. National Police Service, comprising of one representative of Kenya Police Service, Administration Police Service and Directorate of Criminal Investigations;
  5. National Cohesion and Integration Commission;
  6. ICT Authority; and
  7. Communication Authority of Kenya.


National Security Advisory Committee (NSAC)

The primary term of reference for the Multi-Agency Team on Public Order shall be to monitor, document and enforce compliance with the prescriptions and directives with respect to the conduct of all public meetings and processions; the permitted processes for media broadcasting, publishing and reporting; and the responsible conduct of persons using social media.

Cabinet also considered and approved the 2020 Budget Review and Outlook Paper for the Financial Year 2021/2022’s Medium Term Budget. The proposals by the National Treasury anchor the framework upon which the Government’s efforts to stimulate and sustain economic activities through the Economic Stimulus Programme and the Post Covid-19 Economic Recovery Strategy. The proposals also set out targeted state expenditures that focus on the priority programmes and initiatives that will bring the most gains to Kenyans within the shortest time possible.

In view of the foregoing, and in accordance with the Public Finance Management Act Cabinet sanctioned the transmittal of the 2020 Budget Review and Outlook Paper for the FY 2021/22 Medium Term Budget to the National Assembly.

To further secure Kenya’s overall competitiveness and attract Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), Cabinet considered and approved the following:

  1. The Avoidance of Double Taxation Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Kenya and the Government of Singapore;
  2. The Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the Kenya Ports Authority and the Mauritius Ports Authority;
  3. The Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment, Implementation and Management of the East African Community (EAC) Seamless Upper Airspace; and
  4. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Republic of Kenya and the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies – (CIHEAM BARI, ITALY) for Cooperation in Agriculture and Fisheries Sector.

Cabinet also noted that at a pivotal moment in Kenya’s recent history, and as our Nation is charting the course into its post-COVID future, no person would be allowed to hamper Kenya’s progress, unity and the equal enjoyment of fundamental rights and freedoms by all persons.

Thursday, 8th


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