Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Kibra Woman In Court For Attacking Water Vendor Over 10 Bob

A woman who attacked a water vendor during a fight over Sh10 in Kibra has been charged with causing grievous bodily harm.

Ms Rose Akinyi allegedly attacked and injured Josephine Ndoli at Lindi area in Kibra Sub County on August 21. The Court heard that Ms Akinyi demanded Sh10 from Ms Ndoli after buying water which she argued was dirty.

A confrontation ensued after Ndoli refused to refund her the cash saying the meter would still read that she sold the water and her employer would demand the total cash for water sold.

Akinyi then allegedly attacked Ndoli and bit her before members of the public intervened and separated them.

Appearing before senior principal magistrate Renee Kitangwa of Kibera law courts, the suspect denied the charges and was freed on a cash bail of Sh100,000 and an alternative bond of a similar amount.

The case will be mentioned on November 3.


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