Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Huduma Namba Cards Set For Rollout As Uhuru, First Lady First To Receive

President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday commissioned the issuance of Huduma Namba Cards to the public as he became the first recipient alongside First Lady Margaret Kenyatta.

The handing over of the sample cards was done by Attorney General Paul Kihara and Interior CS Fred Matiangi during the Mashujaa Day celebrations at Gusii Stadium in Kisii County.

Matiangi said the national roll-out for the Huduma card awaits the parliamentary appointment of the Data Commissioner.

“On behalf of my colleagues in the inter-ministerial committee, on this historic day I would like to report that the process is now complete and we have developed the Huduma Namba. Your Excellency, today you and the First Lady will be the first recipients of the sample Huduma Namba card which we hope will be rolled out as soon as the National Assembly completes the process of the appointment of the Data Commissioner as directed by the High Court,” said Matiang’i.

During the brief ceremony, the CS invited President Kenyatta to hand out 10 other Huduma Namba cards to 10 local men for validation.

The President said the single identity card will make it easier for Kenyans seeking access to government services.

“Today you have all witnessed as I received mine, we now wait upon the national assembly to complete their work and vet the data commissioner so that we can roll out nationwide issuance as soon as possible,” Uhuru said.

The President nominated Immaculate Kassait as the Data Commissioner last week, with the National Assembly Departmental Committee on Communication, Information and Innovation currently seeking views from the public on her suitability ahead of vetting.

Clerk of the National Assembly Michael Sialai urged members of the public to send their views by Monday, October 26.


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