Thursday, October 22, 2020

Teenager Arrested For Stabbing Man During Fight Over Woman

Police in Rangwe, Homa Bay county are holding a teenager accused of stabbing his love rival over a woman on Wednesday.

George Bush Ombe, 17, allegedly stabbed and seriously injured Justus Bunde, 20, during a physical fight at Ndiru Trading Center in Rangwe.

According to reports, the suspect confronted Bunde on Wednesday night accusing him of bedding his wife.

Confirming the incident, Kagan West Chief Kennedy Okoko said Ombe who was armed with a knife overpowered Bunde, stabbed him twice on the back before disappearing into the night.

The victim was rushed to the Homa Bay County Referral Hospital.

Police officers trailed the suspect to his parents’ home and arrested him Thursday morning.

He was detained at the Rangwe Police Station pending his arraignment in court on Friday.


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