Monday, October 26, 2020

Siaya Cop Shoots Self In The Neck

A police officer based in Ugunja, Siaya county died on Monday after he reportedly shot himself.

Dennis Gitonga, a police constable based at the Madungu police patrol base, is said to have shot himself in the neck, sustaining fatal injuries.

Ugunja Sub-county Police Commander Mr. Lazarus Taarus said the officer’s colleagues at the patrol base heard a gunshot and on rushing to the scene they found Gitonga on the floor with his gun beside him.

They rushed Gitonga to the nearby Ambira sub-county hospital but he died while being transferred to the Siaya County Referral Hospital where he had been referred.

His body was moved to the Ambira sub-county hospital mortuary for an autopsy to ascertain the cause of death.

Investigations into the matter are ongoing.


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