Monday, October 26, 2020

Striking Matatu Operators Decry Neglect By Uhuru, Raila Odinga

The Association of Matatu Operators has announced a nationwide strike beginning Tuesday citing punitive Covid-19 protocols.

The association’s chairperson Jamal Ibrahim called on transport operators countrywide to withdraw their services to protest a directive limiting the capacity of public service vehicles (PSVs).

Ibrahim accused the government of neglecting the matatu sector. “On Tuesday, across the country, all matatus must go on strike. I would like to tell our leaders, Hon Raila Odinga and President Uhuru Kenyatta, they have neglected our matatu industry,” he said.

Adding: “When they visit places, they always talk about boda boda, they talk about bars and churches but they have forgotten the Matatu Industry. The reason we are striking on Tuesday is because of capacity. Since Covid-19 hit eight months ago, they have not addressed the matatu industry urging for the resumption of full capacity.”

Mr Ibrahim implored the government to relax Covid-19 restrictions in the matatu sector saying operators were suffering reduced revenue.

“Earlier, all local flights resumed normal seat capacity, churches have resumed operation, political rallies are back to normal as well as schools. So why have we been forgotten?” he lamented.

Ibrahim claimed they had written enough letters with no response from the relevant authorities.


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