Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Wanjigi is Dangerous and Should be Arrested: Petitioner Urges Court

The Jimi Wanjigi gun saga has taken another twist after an activist moved to court seeking the arrest of the billionaire tycoon.

Mr Memba Ocharo has filed a case before the Judicial Review Division seeking to have the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) compelled to arrest Wanjigi for being in possession of illegal firearms and ammunition.

Through Lawyer Danstan Omari, Ocharo argues that Wanjigi is a danger to the members of the public as no one citizen should have in their custody 688 ammunitions and about 11 guns.

He adds that the conduct of the former police reservist is questionable hence he should not be allowed to possess the guns.

Ocharo notes that Wanjigi was a former Inspector of Police (reserve) who was stripped of all his police powers and ordered to surrender all his firearms and ammunition in his custody. This followed numerous incidences and complaints about his misuse of firearms, the petitioner says.

“Long after the interested party was dismissed from employment with the Police Service for misuse of firearms in threatening and intimidating members of the public, he has been a licensed firearms holder until January 30, 2018, when the licensing board revoked his Firearms Certificate,” the application reads.

It adds: “Wanjigi will soon receive the firearms and ammunition that were initially confiscated yet the Firearm Board has never conducted a due process that is in accord to the law to have Wanjigi firearms certificate procedurally revoked in a manner anticipated in the ruling of this court in Republic v Firearms Licensing Board & another; Ex parte Jimi Wanjigi[2019].”

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/wanjigi-is-dangerous-and-should-be-arrested-petitioner-urges-court.html

Nick Mwendwa Granted Bail in Sh38m Fraud Case

The embattled Football Kenya Federation (FKF) president Nick Mwendwa has been charged with fraud.

This was after Mwendwa lost a bid to block his prosecution. Mwendwa and others who were not in court are accused of misappropriating FKF funds amounting to Sh38 million

According to the police documents the offences took place between 4 March and 31 May this year.

Mwendwa denied the charges.

Mlimani senior principal magistrate Eunice Nyutu granted him Sh10 million bail or bond of Sh15 million with two sureties of a similar amount.

Mwendwa has been barred from accessing FKF offices, contacting witnesses and publishing in the media anything regarding the case.

The case will be mentioned on December 20.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/nick-mwendwa-granted-bail-in-sh38m-fraud-case.html

This is What’s Trending Today as We Welcome December

It’s the beginning of the end of the year, and this is what’s trending on social media today.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/this-is-whats-trending-today-as-we-welcome-december.html

MP’s Driver Shocked to Find Car Burning in the Rain

Detectives in Trans Nzoia county have started investigations to establish how a car belonging to Endebess Member of Parliament Robert Pukose caught on fire.

The incident was reported by the MP’s driver, Amos Maragach, who said the vehicle burst into flames moments after he parked it.

Maragach said he parked the Toyota Hilux Double Cabin a few meters away from the lawmaker’s home in the wee hours of Tuesday.

He had gone to change his clothes and returned to find the car in flames. Maragach also noted that it was raining at the time.

“I had parked the car at the usual car park after my morning errands and went to my house a few metres from the MPs residence and was shocked to see the double cabin in flames,” he said.

Adding: “I was surprised to see the car burning while it is raining, I am wondering what could have transpired as it has burned to a shell.”

Area sub-county police commander Selassio Muriithi said investigations are ongoing.

“We received the report from the driver and visited the scene to ascertain what transpired and true we found the shell of the car with smoke smouldering from it,” Muriithi said.

Meanwhile, the lawmaker urged residents to avoid speculation and allow the police to conduct investigations.

“Let’s remain calm and give the relevant authorities time to do their investigations and stop speculating on what could have transpired,” Pukose said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/mps-driver-shocked-to-find-car-burning-in-the-rain.html

Senator Ledama Olekina Sued For Sh350K Child Support

Narok Senator Ledama Olekina has been dragged to court for allegedly neglecting his fatherly responsibilities for his one-year-old son.

Through Lawyer Ojijo Kepher, the boy’s mother is seeking monthly child support of Sh350,000.

The woman is seeking an order to compel the senator to pay interim maintenance of Sh200,000 being child support for the minor pending hearing and determination of the case.

In court papers, the woman says she met Senator Ledama Ole Kina in September 2019, and soon after an intimate relationship developed for a substantive period of time.

She says she gave birth to their son on October 20, 2020. She claims she informed the politician about the pregnancy but he cut off communication with her.

“When I conceived and realised I was pregnant, I immediately informed the senator that he was going to be a father but to my dismay and utter shock he cut off communication with me,” she said.

She also claims she informed the Senator when the child was born and requested him to take responsibility but he gave her a cold shoulder.

“I was left with no other choice but to settle all the cost and bills during the pregnancy, scans, birthing without any involvement or assistance of the respondent,” she adds in court papers.

“I have singlehandedly catered for all the needs of the minor including shelter, clothing, food, nanny services and medical bills without any assistance from him.”

The woman mentioned that Senator Ledama has shown no interest in taking care of the minor and has severally demonstrated that he is not concerned with the minor’s welfare.

“I have since lost my employment and cannot fully sustain the basic needs of minor at his tender age alone,” she claims.

The woman has attached medical bills and receipts in the court papers.

In a letter dated 3rd September 2021, and addressed to the senator, the woman indicated that the Sh.350,000 will utilised as follows; house help Sh17,000, food Sh50,000, medical Sh40,000, shelter Sh80,000, clothing Sh50,000, entertainment Sh43,000, utility bills Sh50,000 and service charge of Sh20,000.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/senator-ledama-olekina-sued-for-sh350k-child-support.html

Matatu Driver Who Reported Weed-smoking Students Lands County Job

John Maina Muthoni, the driver of a public service vehicle who grabbed national headlines for driving rowdy high school students to Sagana police station, has landed a new job.

Nyeri Governor Mutahi Kahiga has hired Maina to join the team of drivers at the county government.

“I wish to celebrate John Maina Muthoni, formerly of 2NK, a heroic driver who courageously reported students upon realizing that they were smoking bhang and drinking alcohol. My government will offer him a position as a driver in one of our departments,” the governor said.

This comes after the driver lamented losing his job at 2NK Sacco over the incident with students.

“The company said I ruined its reputation. It did not want to be associated with the incident of the students. They took my badge and that was the end of my stint with them,” said the 32-year-old driver.

Maina’s woes even caught the attention of the Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti, who asked to meet him.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/matatu-driver-who-reported-weed-smoking-students-lands-county-job.html

Churchill Live Returns After Two-year Hiatus

The much-loved comedy show Churchill Live is finally back.

The weekly live show has been on a 2-year break imposed by the coronavirus restrictions but it has now been confirmed that it will be back this coming weekend.

Laugh Industry’s Ken Waudo announced the show’s return on Tuesday, November 30.

Churchill Live, now dubbed Big Laughs by Churchill, will be held at Quiver lounge along Thika superhighway on Sunday, December 5.

“After nearly 2 years of covid restrictions..we are back with #Biglaughs2,” said Waudo.

The show’s founder and host, Daniel Ndambuki alias Churchill, is elated to be back.

“There are feelings you can’t explain, this is one of those. Back on stage!” he said.

“The skits on social media have become part of our daily life and it’s good to see new talents and content every day. That’s why we’ve incorporated them in our next season. All in all, we Thank God to be back doing what we love,” added Churchill.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/churchill-live-returns-after-two-year-hiatus.html

Akothee Attributes Weight Gain to Health Condition

Musician Akothee says the cause of her noticeable weight gain is a health condition that has been keeping her up at night.

Taking to Instagram, Akothee cautioned people against telling her that she is fat saying that her condition scares her.

“Don’t meet me and start telling me how fat I am, I am having a health condition. I am swollen due to struggling with sleepless nights of pain. I am afraid to go to bed for I wake up with numbness on my fingers, this situation is scary for me,” she wrote.

Akothee, who was recently hospitalised over a pinched nerve on the neck, mentioned that a relative said she was faking her condition.

“I pity one of my close relatives who said I am pretending 🤔 I still don’t know what to tell her 🙏. Kwani am I in a boarding school I need permission to go home ? ! Or who do I even take my pity to? Am I an employee so I could get free time to hang around my family & not go to work 🤔 Wao! if there is anyone who wishes you bad luck are people you take close to your heart 🙏 pray for them anyway,” Akothee wrote.


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source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/akothee-attributes-weight-gain-to-health-condition.html

Octopizzo Reveals Why He Broke Up With Mexican Lover

Rapper Octopizzo made a rare confession, revealing details about his love affair with a former lover.

Speaking in an interview with Mwafrika, the ‘Fuego’ rapper said the two met in Gigiri at a party he had been invited to by his boss.

Octopizzo was working with an NGO that promotes the welfare of men and youth in Africa. One thing led to another and they eventually started living together.

At the time, Octopizzo was raising an 11-month old baby; his now 10-year-old daughter Tracy.

The Kibera-bred rap star said his Mexican girlfriend shape his perception of certain things, including how to show emotion.

One thing she taught me was communication. In our culture men don’t communicate or show emotion,” he said.

I had never celebrated my birthday but she offered to help me get a passport or learn how to drive for my birthday. Each required about Sh6,000 and she asked me to choose. I decided to apply for a passport and within six months I was booked to perform in Dubai,” Octo narrated.

After returning from Dubai, Octopizzo applied for an exchange programme to go to Germany and was selected.

Travelling opened my mind to other cultures. I used to think all foreigners were from the US but I learned that my girlfriend was Mexican,” he said.

Octopizzo disclosed that his partner was uncompromising and they eventually broke up. By the time they were parting ways, they had a daughter, Zara, who turns 8 in early 2022.

She used to bully a little and felt like the bigger person. For instance, if we were to buy a seat she would insist on having her way without compromise.

Eventually I told her that I need to create my home the way I have dreamt it to be, what I have been working towards for me and my family. That is how we broke up, in 2015. People don’t know this,” Octopizzo said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/octopizzo-reveals-why-he-broke-up-with-mexican-lover.html

7 Pillars To A Successful Marriage By Rev Lucy Natasha

She may not be married yet, but Reverend Lucy Natasha appears well equipped with all the necessary tips to make a marriage work.

This past weekend, the Nairobi-based clergywoman got engaged to a fellow preacher, Prophet Stanley Carmel.

On Tuesday, the lovebirds met with Archbishop Arthur Kitonga, who shared some nuggets of wisdom on marriage.

Kitonga, who is the founder of the Redeemed Gospel Churches in Kenya, has been married for five decades. As such, he must know a secret or two about a successful marriage.

According to Rev Lucy Natasha, the Bishop outlined 7 pillars to a successful marriage.

She wrote: “These are some of few things we learnt from Archbishop who has been happily married for 50 Years. Thank you Archbishop, You are a wellspring of Wisdom!
Pillars To A Successful Marriage

1.Know that you have an enemy called satan.
Proverbs 4:23.
Every thing good infuriates satan; he uses unrealistic imaginations through pictures and thoughts to affect your marriage.

2. Have a dream for your family. A future without pictures is useless.
Picture the kind of family you want from scriptures.

3. Communication: Proper communication guarantees a successful marriage.
Make your spouse your best friend and personal confidant. Focus on the good qualities of your spouse and not their weaknesses; never compare them to anyone. Stay discrete about the problems you experience in your marriage. Never discuss your family problems with people who are incapable of solving them. Never betray a sharp confidence from your spouse with another. Never accept the report of others without hearing from your spouse.

4. Establish a family altar: Jeremiah 29:13-14, Always reach out daily to God for divine assistance in prayers.

5. Learn to love: John 13:34-35, 15:12,17.
Always spend quality time with your spouse. Show love in words, actions and giving.
Love cares.
Love forgives.
Love is kind.
Love gives.
Love is Patient.

6. Talk about finances:
Set specific monetary goals with deadlines and details.
Every member of the family should be a tither and learn to give quality offering from childhood.

7. Make God’s Word your standard for living. God’s word contains the secrets for a successful Marriage. Your individual responsibilities are contained in God’s Word.
Ephesians 5:25.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/12/7-pillars-to-a-successful-marriage-by-rev-lucy-natasha.html

Monday, November 29, 2021

Kamiti Prison Escapees Sentenced

The Three convicted terrorists who staged a daring escape from Kamiti Maximum Prison were on Monday charged at the Kahawa law courts.

Musharaf Abdalla, Joseph Juma Odhiambo, and Mohamed Abdi Abikar appeared before Chief Magistrate Diana Mochache alongside a fourth accused Abdulmajid Yassin.

The trio of escapees pleaded guilty to escaping from lawful custody. They, however, denied another count of committing a terrorist act by escaping from prison, which was a threat to national security.

The fourth accused, Abdulmajid Yassin, was charged with aiding the escape of the other three. He denied the charge.

Justice Muchache sentenced each of the three to an additional 15 months in prison.

The Prosecution had asked the court to jail the escapees for the maximum term of two years for escaping lawful custody, saying they had instilled fear among Kenyans.

But Justice Muchache acknowledged that the convicts had confessed and reduced the burden of proof for the prosecution.

“Because the accused persons are remorseful and have saved this court’s time, the court will not sentence them to the maximum (sentence) prescribed, and accordingly proceeds to sentence each accused persons to 15 months’ imprisonment.”

Interestingly, one of the accused -Musharaf Abdalla – said if he got another chance to escape, he would do it.

“Nilikuwa natafuta uhuru wangu, nimekaa miaka kumi hapa ndio maana nikajaribu kutoroka,” he said, adding: “Ee lazima nitoroke.”

Abdalla also asked the court not to send him back to Kamiti as he feared being victimised.

“I (know) some of the officers who helped us break out of the prison have not yet been arrested, so I beg the court not to take me back.”

The other accused persons asked the court to allow them to serve the 15-month term concurrently with their current sentences.

Muchache ruled that they would serve the sentence after completing their previous terms.

Kamiti Maximum Security Prison Warders Granted Bail

Meanwhile, 12 Kamiti Maximum Security Prison warders suspected of aiding the prisoners escape custody have been granted bail.

The suspended Kamiti Prison boss Charles Mutembei was released on a cash bail of Sh300,000 while 11 wardens were let go on Sh200,000 each.

One prison warden, who was unrepresented, was released on a cash bail of Sh50,000.

The case will be mentioned on December 20, 2021.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/kamiti-prison-escapees-sentenced.html

NMS Shortlists 2,100 Candidates For ‘Kanjo’ Jobs

The Nairobi Metropolitan Services has shortlisted over 2100 applicants for Enforcement Constable jobs, commonly known as kanjos.

In a public notice on Monday, November 29, NMS announced interview dates for the 2,113 enforcement constable applicants.

The first lot of 1,063 candidates will be interviewed at 8:00 a.m, Wednesday, December 1 at City Stadium. The remaining 1,050 applicants are scheduled for interviews on Thursday beginning at 8:00 a.m at the same venue.

The names of shortlisted candidates were published on the NMS website and can be accessed on www.nms.go.ke.

“Members of the public are advised to visit the website for the full list. Shortlisted candidates will be required to participate in physical exercises that may require appropriate sportswear,” the notice by Lieutenant General Mohamed Badi reads.

Candidates will also be required to provide original copies of their ID cards, academic certificates and valid certificates of good conduct from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations.

Successful candidates will be absorbed as enforcement constables on three-year renewable contracts subject to satisfactory performance.

Out of the 2,113 shortlisted, NMS is looking to recruit 700 suitable candidates to boost the city’s manpower and also to replace retiring personnel.

Nearly 75 percent of the personnel at City Hall are expected to retire in the next three years.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/nms-shortlists-2100-candidates-for-kanjo-jobs.html

The Trending Memes and Tweets This Tuesday

It’s the last day of November, and the end of the year is fast approaching. Let’s look at what’s trending today.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/the-trending-memes-and-tweets-this-tuesday-10.html

President Kenyatta Lauds The Police For Role In Coronavirus Containment

President Uhuru Kenyatta has commended security sector agencies led by the National Police Service (NPS) for playing a leading role in the containment of the spread of Coronavirus in the country over the last two years.

Despite the enforcement of public health measures not being at the core of NPS’s regular operations, the President said heroic acts by police officers supported by sacrifices made by Kenya’s gallant health workers helped forestall a national catastrophe.

“Over the last two years, the whole world has walked through the valley of the shadow of death as we combated the Coronavirus pandemic.

“However, the firmness of our resolve as a nation helped to contain the surge of infections within our borders. In keeping the invisible enemy at bay, I thank the law enforcement agencies for the role they have played in enforcing the Covid-19 regulations and protocols,” President Kenyatta said.

The Head of State spoke Monday afternoon when he presided over the 57th passing out parade of 2,619 new administration Police officers at their Embakasi A Campus in Embakasi, Nairobi County.

He said the seamless manner in which the NPS adapted to the new demands imposed by Covid-19 is a reminder of the fluid nature of the contemporary law enforcement environment, and urged the new officers to continuously improve their competencies.

“You will be required on occasions to operate in new and challenging operating theatres, and to address dynamic situations that call for new skills and approaches,” President Kenyatta told the new officers that included 2,215 men and 395 women graduates respectively.

Once again, the President reiterated the Government’s commitment to continue with the ongoing NPS reforms noting that since 2013, over 45,000 new police officers had joined the service significantly boosting the entity’s human resource capacity.

Besides growing police numbers, the Head of State said the Government continues to allocate adequate finances, improve staff welfare, build officers capacity in technical and specialized areas as well as expand housing and healthcare provision as part of the comprehensive reforms.

At the same time, President Kenyatta cautioned the new officers against engaging in corruption and other workplace vices, and assured them that the Government’s would shield them from unjust condemnation.

“The Government is committed to continue to uphold the dignity of police officers. So long as you do what is right and in accordance with the law, devoid of corruption and other ills, rest assured that you will be protected from any form of undue harassment or vilification,” he said.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Dr Fred Matiang’i, who also spoke at the colourful ceremony, thanked the President for the Government’s continued investment in the ongoing overhaul of the security sector saying the resourcing had transformed Kenya’s security institutions to be among the best in the region.

Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai and Deputy Inspector of Police incharge of Administration Police Service Noor Gabow also spoke at the event where, as part of the passing out tradition, the President awarded outstanding graduands.

Titus Nyangi won the best recruit award in academics, Ruth Jepchumba Koech bagged the best shot recognition while Stanley Wafula, Urbanus Maweu, Simon Mbugua and Doris Amadi won the best all round recruits award.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/president-kenyatta-lauds-the-police-for-role-in-coronavirus-containment.html

Kinoti Has Wanjigi Guns, Court Rules

Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) boss George Kinoti remains a convicted felon after the High Court declined to overturn his 4-month prison sentence for contempt of court.

Kinoti was sentenced for disobeying court orders that required him to surrender seven firearms and ammunition belonging to businessman Jimi Wanjigi.

Through Lawyer Cecil Miller, DCI Kinoti challenged the sentence arguing that he was not in possession of the guns.

Miller said had the court been aware that the guns were in the custody of the Firearms Licensing Board it would not have convicted Kinoti.

In his ruling, Justice Anthony Mrima said Kinoti did not prove that the firearms were moved to the autonomous state body.

Mrima ruled that the trial court’s judgment dealt with the issue concerning custody of the firearms and it had been found they were in the custody of the DCI.

“The applicant has not tendered evidence to show the firearms were moved from the DCI to the Board. The trial court’s judgment has not been set aside, appealed or reviewed. The issue (of who has the firearms) is res judicata (the issues raised were determined in another case by the court),” said Justice Mrima.

“No evidence was tendered to show Kinoti transmitted the firearms to the board. Lack of that shows the firearms are still in his custody. This application is dismissed and orders I made November 18 continue to be in force,” ruled the Judge.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/kinoti-has-wanjigi-guns-court-rules.html

Chaos Erupts in Meru After Ruto’s Cash Donation Vanishes

Chaos erupted in Tigania East, Meru County after a cash donation from Deputy President William Ruto vanished in thin air.

The DP had earlier this month taken his campaign trail to Meru where he reportedly donated Sh14million.

Part of the donation, Sh600,000, was meant for boda boda riders and ‘Mama Mbogas’ at Muriri market.

However, the intended recipients did not receive the cash handout, sparking violent demonstrations.

Boda boda riders lit tires along Meru-Maua Road at Muriri market, with some accusing Tigania East MP Gichunge Kabeabea of pocketing the cash.

Some of the riders were arrested on November 17 for the chaos and were later released on cash bail that was paid for by politician Tarsila Kagwiria, the Star reports.

Meanwhile, Kabeabea’s office has denied receiving the Sh600, 000 donation.

Lawrence Mutwiri, the MP’s CDF manager urged the involved parties to be patient.

“Such Propaganda won’t help anybody. We are aware of politicians organizing those demos to tarnish the DP and our MP. Stop damaging and tarnishing others with unverified propaganda for political mileage.,” Mutwiri said.

Mutwiri added that the MP would follow up on the matter.

“I urge our Deputy President to be keen on those who receive the money from him. He should give the money to responsible leaders,” Mutwiri said.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/chaos-erupts-in-meru-after-rutos-cash-donation-vanishes.html

All The WILD Reactions As Diana Marua Launches Rap Career

It is not the end of 2021 yet and the year is still springing up some surprises. One of these is the unveiling of Diana Marua as a rapper, let alone as a singer.

The wife of musician Bahati is now a rapper identified by the stage name, Diana B. To make matters worse, Diana Marua touted herself as the ‘Queen of African Rap’. What an insult to the legit African femcees taking music seriously!

After weeks of teasing a “big reveal”, Bahati unveiled his rapper wife on Sunday at the Trade Mark hotel.

Diana B even performed her debut single ‘Hatutaachana’ and she also mentioned that she is inspired by the likes of Nicki Minaj, Shenseea, and Cardi B. LOL!Kwani niko nchi ingine?!

“I’m doing good music, music for the soul, music for the food … I’m doing music for everybody, let us enjoy let us have fun, let us not categorise fun,” she said at Trade Mark on Sunday.

Then early Monday morning, Kenyans woke up to a music video from Diana B for ‘Hatutaachana’. In about six hours, the video had been viewed over 145,000 times.

The music video was the subject of public scrutiny for the better part of Monday, and most of the comments, especially from Kenyans on Twitter, were ruthless.

We have compiled some reactions below.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/all-the-wild-reactions-as-diana-marua-launches-rap-career.html

Prophet Carmel Reveals What Made Him Slide into Rev Natasha’s DM

A sermon about a royal wedding is apparently what brought Prophet Carmel and Rev Lucy Natasha together.

The pair got engaged this past weekend, with the Canada-based preacher narrating how he first got to know about the Kenyan pastor.

“Every love story is beautiful but ours is my favourite. In 2017, I was invited to preach in a film director’s house, I was preaching about a royal wedding,” Carmel recounted at the engagement dinner at Boma Hotel.

He added: “After my preaching, the wife of that film director came to me and showed me a clip which was 4 minutes and 13 seconds, then she said to me, ‘last night, I was listening to the same preaching from a lady preacher from Kenya and she was preaching about a royal wedding’.”

According to the “prophet”, he immediately felt a spark and messaged Rev Lucy Natasha on social media.

“I felt the spark immediately. I said, ‘I need to connect’. I slid into her DM. It was not easy but finally, after many many tries…it is very hard to get the heart of a queen, we met for a kingdom assignment in the USA and the rest is history.”

In his proposal, Stanley Carmel told Rev Lucy Natasha:

“Tasha, I love you and admire you, I admire your uniqueness and your compassion is a crown to your beauty, give me the honour to lead you and to build the christ legacy with you. I know our days ahead of us are going to be wonderful, you will take the world by storm. I love you so much from the deep bottom of my heart, Natasha will you marry me?”

Looks like we have a royal wedding to look forward to.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/prophet-carmel-reveals-what-made-him-slide-into-rev-natashas-dm.html

Juliani Regrets Media Interview, says he Lost Sponsors

Contemporary rapper Juliani has admitted the publicity revolving around his love affair with Lillian Ng’ang’a cost him some sponsorship deals.

Before the public scrutiny, Juliani was working on music videos for songs off his 4th Studio album “Masterpiece”.

However, things didn’t go to plan after some sponsors pulled out in the wake of his relationship with the former Machakos County First Lady.

“It is part of the reason I didn’t do some of the videos-because of the personal thing. One or two people dropped…a partnership dropped because of that. But all things work out for good.”

Were the partnerships lucrative?

“Yes, they were. It’s all gone so we can’t…It all works for good cause I still have one or two things working. I appreciated what I have already. We are doing things for 21 artists currently,” Juliani told mpasho.

When asked what reasons the said sponsors gave for pulling out, Juliani said: “People lack the courage to stand on something. There were excuses but I don’t blame anybody because people are different in how they handle issues.”

Consequently, Juliani said he would have handled the media attention differently.

“I wouldn’t have done the interview I did (The interview with the Standard). I would have just kept quiet because it doesn’t matter what you say, people will always have opinions,” said Juliani.

The ‘Exponential Potential’ rapper added: “What matters is your truth, your relationship with God. Other people shouldn’t be a concern unless it is people to who you’re accountable. You’re accountable to your God, the people close to you and the people who buy music. But you don’t need to explain a lot.”

“Everything is perfect but we have lessons after. Personally, I believe that everything that happens happens for good. We learn and we become perfect from it, anyway. There is nothing wrong with how things went. They are just lessons that I learned.”

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/juliani-regrets-interview-says-he-lost-sponsors.html

Julie Gichuru Celebrates Major Marriage Milestone

Celebrated media personality Julie Gichuru and her husband Antony Gichuru are celebrating a new milestone in their marriage.

Julie and Antony have now been married for 18 years, with the former Citizen TV news anchor taking to social media to celebrate their anniversary on Monday, November 29.

The mother of four also marked another remarkable milestone: 22 years of love.

“18 years of marriage, 22 years of love ❤❤❤ Happy Anniversary my simba, the gift of my life is you, our children and our home,” she wrote.

Julie further thanked her Simba for loving her and attributed her successful marriage to God.

“Thank you for loving me and making God the centre of our home 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖#AwesomeLord #AlphaandOmega.” She wrote.

Earlier this year, Julie revealed some secrets that have worked for her marriage.

“It’s not about a day of romance or material things. It is about friendship and respect. Laughing together. Praying together. Understanding each other, well. Supporting and encouraging each other. Comforting and strengthening each other. Respecting each other. Love is not static; it is a continuous series of actions that feed a state of being,” she stated.


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source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/julie-gichuru-celebrates-major-marriage-milestone.html

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Jane Mugo Links Attack to Kirinyaga Politics

Private investigator Jane Mugo has revealed why she was attacked in a carjacking incident at Burnt Forest area, Uasin Gishu county on Thursday, November 25.

Speaking from her hospital bed in Eldoret on Sunday, Mugo linked the attack to her interest in Kirinyaga County Woman Representative seat in 2022.

The private detective mentioned that one of her abductors asked about her political ambitions in Kirinyaga.

“One of my four abductors asked me what was pushing me into Kirinyaga politics,” Ms Mugo.

At the same time, Mugo said the abduction might be related to a murder case she has been investigating. She said the murder is linked to a police officer in Busia.

According to Jane Mugo, since she started probing the case, she has been receiving threats, with her family advising her to drop the case.

“I have been following up a particular case, two weeks ago I was in Busia and we arrested some suspects of murder with DCI officers. During our investigations we realized that a police officer was also involved in the murder case,” she told a local TV station.

Recounting her ordeal, Jane Mugo said she was travelling from Bungoma to Nairobi when she was attacked by unknown individuals at the Ainabkoi- Kapsabet junction at around 6:30 pm.

Mugo said her car was blocked by gunmen driving in two vehicles, both Subarus. Four men armed with AK47 guns approached their car, ransacked it, before ordering her out of the vehicle.

One of the attackers retreated to one of their vehicles and returned with a crude weapon, which he used in the vicious attack on Mugo.

“40 kilometres from Bungoma, I noticed a certain Subaru that was moving at a slow speed. They sandwiched me in the Subaru, they were 4 armed men.

“One of them removed a rungu from the car and started beating me up. He hit me on the head. They broke both my arms and two fingers. They fled and left me lying by the road. I limped to the main road and a good Samaritan took me to hospital,” she narrated.

“I sustained these injuries trying to shield myself from the attacks,” she added.

The assailants took off with her car, a Prado, and kidnapped her driver Kevin Okoth, and a passenger identified as Newton Manyana.

Mugo’s vehicle was recovered in Mumias while her driver and the other passenger were dumped in Baringo County.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/jane-mugo-links-attack-to-kirinyaga-politics.html

In Conversation With Charity Ngilu

Kitui Governor Charity Bgilu speaks to The Nation in a wide-ranging interview about among other topics; the problem with Kenya’s politics, the ideological divide between Raila and Ruto, and how she escaped an assassination attempt.

Why didn’t you attend the Intergovernmental Budget and Economic Council (IBEC) meeting called by Deputy President William Ruto on Monday?

I do not attend things that do not bear results.

Isn’t that a bit harsh? As a governor, why wouldn’t you want to attend a national forum where economic ideas meant to uplift counties are discussed?

That’s exactly my point! If he has been chairing them for the last nine years and he has never come out to say that this is what needs to be done in the counties, why should I listen to him now? I would care if he was calling such a meeting to tell me how to train my young people in Kitui to make shoes, belts, bowls or garments. Why would I attend a meeting that is empty? A meeting that is not giving people anything? He might have money, but he does not have the ideas.

What if someone else, other than the DP, was chairing the meeting? Would you have attended?

Probably. He and the President came up with the policy of the Big Four Agenda, what happened to it? We have never had him talk about it. What is this thing he is selling to the people; that he is going to bring you from bottom to up? How? When you look at what we are doing in Kitui, is this not very impressive?

But some say that since he is not the president, you really can’t blame him for the collapse of the Big Four Agenda.

We know the years he has been in leadership; what does he have to show for it? Giving handouts to the youth?

It’s apparent the bad blood between you and Ruto runs too deep, what’s the beef?

I have been at this thing for a long time trying to see the country on the right trajectory but Ruto is only out to use people’s status, specifically poverty, to ride to power. When I see these young people, I see the huge potential in them, whether educated or not. It is about building their skills, not giving them handouts.

What we are making here at Kicotec (Kitui County Textile Centre) is what used to come from China, Turkey and other countries. Do they need us to employ their people? No, we just bought the machines from them and the garment making is done the same way world over. Once we make the garments, we sell them and give these people, the young people and the officers working here, a livelihood.

Then there is the Tangatanga label; it’s interesting that he takes it very positively. If, after working this hard, one day somebody calls me Tangatanga, I would be very livid and I would ask myself: “How is it that, despite the good work I am doing, somebody would call me Tangatanga?” The phrase tangatanga means to wander aimlessly in English.

And in the book of Job 1:7, the Lord said to Satan: “Where have you come from?” and Satan answered, “I have been wandering around the earth, going back and forth in it.” And we know Satan had no noble agenda when roaming around. Now why should someone be happy with that tag? The President was telling the country that Ruto is just a roamer. That is what I learnt.

Are you implying that the DP is riding on mass poverty to gain political mileage?

Yes. We are making shoes, belts and non-pharmaceutical health products here. Show any of such initiatives he’s involved in. I never knew Kitui people could ever make hand sanitisers, but that is what we are doing here. That is what leadership is supposed to do: to guide and show people what to do and let them excel.

If I had more money, more resources, I would buy more machines, train more young people and therefore employ even more. Everything is about leadership. Everything rises and falls on leadership. That is what (John Calvin) Maxwell (an American author, speaker, and pastor) said, not me. If you see things are not working well, it is because the leadership is not working well.

You have been pushing for the former Nasa colleagues to come together once again to face off with the DP. Do you believe he is such a formidable force that to defeat him all these political actors must work in concert to oppose him?

I just told our people that we know where good leadership is. And because I know good leadership, I am telling them, this is a very good leader, let’s support him. Unity is the way to go. Prime Minister Raila Odinga is already doing it. Azimio la Umoja is bringing people together. Unless we work together and unite, we are not going anywhere.

Why, then, are you excluding DP Ruto from that call of unity?

You need to think about ideology, about what someone believes in. Raila has historically believed in a properly democratised nation where everybody has his or her say; where each person’s voice can be heard and you can go out and work without fear or favour from anybody. Raila fought for devolution and that is how you are now sitting in a governor’s office. He said we needed more resources on the ground and devolved units where people can be given faster services by people they elect, not appointees.

The provincial administration had become a demagogue that made people very unhappy, now you see people walking in here. Do you think there is a demagogue seating here? No! Because they know they only have five years to retain you or kick you out. That is the difference. Two, when we fought to bring change through the constitution in 2010, Ruto opposed it.

At that time he would rather have the Kanu constitution. He did not want devolution. In 2020, as we were trying to have the BBI to have better people’s representation and resource allocation, he opposed it. What business would I have with such a fellow?

How come all the brilliant minds in the Handshake team never saw the death of BBI coming? How come you never saw the legal minefields?

I can only say that there are many people who may or may not have understood it. Remember that, in 2010 when we passed this constitution, faith-based organisations opposed it, but devolution has worked very well for many people. The fall of BBI was a conspiracy by those who don’t believe in empowering the masses, it didn’t come as a surprise.

True, development has been devolved, but so has corruption…

This issue of graft in counties is grossly exaggerated. The bulk of it is political hatred and rivalry. When I was elected we bought a brand new CT scan machine, then none other than our Senator, Enock Wambua, went to the EACC and said the machine was a donation, and that it was secondhand. The EACC paid us a visit. I told them: “Hey, this is the money we paid, this is the company we paid, and here is the receipt.” The other day we bought trucks to help livestock farmers to deliver their animals to markets. The same man accused me of corruption.

Kitui County is 30,496 square kilometres; that’s one and half the size of Rwanda or ten times that of Kirinyaga County. Animals walking from one end to the other die on the way. When you truck them, they do not lose any weight and so their value does not depreciate. For me, most of the graft allegations are just exaggerated.

You’ve been around for a while now. Being a woman in politics, what are some of the highs and lows and how did you balance between politics and family?

It is very difficult to balance your life and give people time. For instance, look at the time you have been waiting. I really feel I should have given you immediate attention and finished with you. At the same time, I have my family members calling me. And then there are also other people who want to come and sit and feel good and you need to ask them very politely what exactly brought them to the office. You have to be very polite.

For women, it really is harder because you are balancing between your office, family, children, friends, politics and even your own self-time. Churches are waiting for you on Sundays, schools are waiting for you, there are burials and weddings to attend… name them. The telephone never stops ringing. They (voters) cannot understand why you did not pick their phone.

And when they call, they ask: “Governor, do you know who is speaking?” Now, you must say yes, even if you don’t. The assumption is that since they voted for me, I must know each and every one of them by name. They also do not like people around you, I mean the handlers, advisors or PAs. They say they are the ones making me inaccessible. They say we never elected these people here, we only voted for you.

Balancing this thing is very difficult; that is why a lot of women find it very difficult getting into office. If they must succeed, they must have very strong support from their families and if they are married, from their husbands. My husband supported me, he was there every time. Wherever he was, he told people I was the best MP. I miss him and I feel sad he is not around to be with me as the governor now and see the journey I have travelled. He would be proud of me. A woman needs all the support, from the spouse especially. Men are supported so much by their wives and I wish all women also have their husbands to support them.

As a champion of women leadership, do you foresee a time when a major presidential candidate will pick a woman as a running mate? 

Not in any of the coalitions. It cannot be either of the two. I can never work with Ruto. If we get one nominated, by the only one in whose hands we are safe, it would be a very nice thing.

Why is it so?

Some of us have sets of values we believe in. It will be a tragedy to have a woman supporting that one. No.

You missed death by a whisker in an incident that killed former Kitui mayor Martha Mwangangi in 2016. Who was after your life?

It pains me so much. In fact every time I walk in the streets of Kitui, that is the only thing that comes to my mind. I walk out from here and again I know the people who killed my friend Martha also wanted to kill me and they were part and parcel of this same county government workers that I am now presiding over. It is very painful.

The other day you had an Azimio rally in Makueni amid murmurs of a deliberate move to sideline Wiper leader Kalonzo Musyoka. It appears all Ukambani governors have little or no time for the regional supremo. Why is that so?

No, we did not sideline anyone. Everybody was invited and the Wiper leader has been part and parcel of Raila Odinga’s cause for all the years. If you remember, in 2007, I was the first person to sell Raila Odinga here. I ran on the Narc ticket and he was the presidential candidate. Kalonzo was a presidential candidate and I did not support him, I supported Raila.

I am always persuaded to believe that Raila Odinga won, but between Kibaki and Kalonzo, whatever happened, they took the seat and we later on worked together. In 2013 Kalonzo joined Raila Odinga, so he sold Raila Odinga in the whole of Ukambani and the Akamba accepted Raila fully. In 2017, again, Kalonzo was with Raila and, again, every vote, with the exception of a few, went to Raila.

There is a raging debate on in whose hands, between Raila and Ruto, the country is safe. What’s your take?

This is akin to choosing between day and night. The only person who can protect this country is Raila Amollo Odinga.

You don’t seem to have any kind words for DP Ruto. What did he do to you?

His leadership style, that’s all. If you have the heart of a leader, would you, when looking for some place to get your hotel visitors’ parking lot, teargas primary school children? In the Bible, 2nd Samuel 12:4 to be specific, a story is told of a rich man who instead of picking a lamb from his huge flock went for the only one from a poor neighbour to entertain his guests. That’s exactly what happened in this case.

Why didn’t you indict him for the alleged crime when you were the Land minister, or were you under pressure to protect those involved? In fact, you told us that some Singh brothers were behind the attempted land grab.

You know… sometimes when you are in government, you must protect it. But the title deed for that piece of land indicated it belonged to ‘Habanse’.

What did the President tell you?

He directed me to go and fence it. I went in with the NYS and did just that to protect the children.

Was the President aware who was behind it?

Absolutely! He was.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/in-conversation-with-charity-ngilu.html

CRAZY: Funny Memes Going Viral on Social Media

Check out our weekly compilation of viral memes trending on the Kenyan interwebs.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/crazy-funny-memes-going-viral-on-social-media-27.html

Hellen Njeri Talks Boniface Mwangi, Weston Hotel Saga, ‘Baby Stealers’ Expose

Hellen Njeri Mwangi is an activist, journalist, wife of Boniface Mwangi and a mother of three. As a journalist, Njeri was the brains behind the Emmy-nominated undercover investigative piece, ‘Baby Stealers’.

Njeri spoke to The Nation about the life of activism, the Weston Hotel land grabbing saga, the famous 2009 Jamhuri Day drama at Nyayo National Stadium and how she met Boniface.

Here are some excerpts from the interview.

Who is Njeri Mwangi?

I was born Hellen Njeri to Robert Kang’ethe and Mary Wanjiru from Murang’a in Nairobi 40 years ago, the third-born in a family of four children. I went to Utawala Academy, then known as Administration Police Training College Primary School before joining Naivasha Girls then Daystar University for a degree in communication and public relations.

I grew up in a strict, well-to-do Christian family. I went to boarding school at the tender age of eight, which I struggled with. I was also a worship leader.

How did you meet Boniface Mwangi, your husband?

It was in 2006. I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was on a Sunday after leaving Mavuno Church in Nairobi. I went with a group of friends to Steers along Wabera Street to have some ice cream. Then a guy comes in with a helmet in his hand and a leather jacket, walked past our table then spoke to a guy in front of us in a hushed voice. He reminded me of a star in a programme called Renegade, which I loved. He was a cop, good at his work where he committed the ultimate crime. He had a ponytail and used to ride a motorbike. Boni reminded me of that actor with his helmet.

I watched him from the corner of my eye and to be frank, everything disappeared from that moment on. I don’t remember what we were even talking about. I don’t remember what I said after he came in.
I don’t remember if our eyes locked, I just remember thinking, I would really, really like to meet this guy. It was like that character in the movie had just come out of the movie then went back. He left after a short while.

The guy he talked to came to me and told me he asked for my number as he is a photographer working for Pulse magazine and is looking for a model to photograph.

I was like what does that have to do with me yet I am not model material? But I was like give him my number and let him call me. He did not call me for like a month.

When he finally found an excuse, a reason to call me, he called and told me he was looking for someone to take a photo of for Pulse magazine.

I asked him how much he was paying but he said they don’t pay for such. So I told him since you have a bike you don’t have to pay, but I want a ride. If you give me a ride, then we will have the shoot. It was a deal.
He gave me a ride to Junction along Ngong Road all the way from Buruburu where we lived. I screamed all the way in excitement.

He took me back home at 10pm. I told him we would talk later since it was already late, but we found ourselves talking until 2am just outside our gate.

He told me about his life, growing up, spending time in the streets and that he wanted to be a leader in this country so that he can help the youth to not live the way he had.

His life was like a storybook; it was something I had never imagined having come from a privileged family. We were not rich, but I grew up privileged. So when he told me all these things, I was like completely blown away.

At that point I knew we could not have a relationship because he was on the fast lane, focused and knew what he wanted in life, yet here I am just going round and round like I am chasing my own tail. I knew we were not compatible.

But I completely admired him. I wished him all the best and told him that when he makes it and is looking at the crowd, let him not forget a chick he once met who is rooting for him.

Did he eventually take the photo he wanted?

Yes he did. My dad saw it and said in Kikuyu, “there is something that will come out of this”. I’m not sure what he meant. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise. He was blessing me because then we started dating.

Did Boni make his move?

Not really. He did not have to struggle because I was already smitten. I just went all in as I was taken in completely, sema kumezwa (laughs)… I met Boni when still a virgin at 26 years. The first time we became intimate, he broke my virginity and I got pregnant with our first son Nate.

I had planned my life, that I would start dating at 29 then maybe get a child at 31, but here I was already pregnant and not even married. We kind of fell out after that. I completely locked him out of my life. I was like this guy has ruined my life; you would think I was raped.

This is where effort came into play. He persisted, and that is why I am still with him. He is a real guy and even though he has his faults, he is very consistent. He is also a man of his word.

He told me he was going to be there for me and the baby whether I wanted it or not. He would visit me at the office, send flowers, cakes and come home to visit even though I did not want to see him. He was consistent.

How long did this last?

Five months. He came to my parents and told them he was the father of my baby and he will take responsibility. He said he is not going anywhere and that they’re going to be seeing him around.

I respected him for that. I was like, okay, this guy is here, if it were any other guy, he would have taken the chance and fled. It made me respect him a whole deal.

Nate was born and Boni said he wanted to marry me. But I asked him if he wanted to marry me just because we had a baby together – he said he wanted us both. He also told me he grew up without a father and he would not wish that for his child. I was like, okay. He was a decent guy and my family already liked him.

We didn’t move in together. I insisted we would only move in together after we are married. So I didn’t move out of home until we got married.

We got married exactly a week after the signing of the peace treaty following the 2007/2008 post-election violence.

He was busy taking photos of the violence and we were not even sure the wedding would take place. The country was at war and there were times I didn’t think he was going to come home.

We’re on the phone, then there’s a shootout, then silence and then the phone goes off. Then I call him again, no answer. The phone is dead then in the news you hear a journalist has been killed. It was a very difficult time. But we got married at Club Sailing along Lang’ata Road on March 8, 2008.

How was it like living with Boni as he battled post-traumatic stress disorder after the 2007/08 violence? 

It was the worst time of my life, because like him, I did not know he was going through PTSD. We fought even over the smallest of things. He was easily irritable though he had never taken even a sip of alcohol or smoked.

The year was really difficult for both of us, for him especially because he was struggling with the nightmares and the killings and the people that he saw dead. He visited morgues, he was at the famous Kiambaa Church and so all those images, the sound, the smells, the noises, all those things were really disturbing him.

So because all those things were eating him inside, we really struggled. I remember wanting to go back home enough times.


We did Picha Mtaani, a street exhibition of the post-election violence in 2010, going across the country in pretty much the hotspots of the violence.

This was to give people all over the country a safe space to cry and open up. So people came to that exhibition, they talked about what happened to them. They talked about what they did. They talked about the injustices. They made pledges that they would never allow something like this to happen again.

This proved somehow cathartic. However, it would have probably helped if we went for counselling, but it kind of checked itself. So we imagined what if we started a place where we use art for this kind of change?

What is your memory of the Jamhuri Day incident in 2009 when Boniface Mwangi booed President Kibaki?

Actually, we had planned a silent protest for many months. We used to have the meetings every Tuesday in our house. We talked about disrupting the celebrations to call the government’s attention to social ills in the country.

The 12 of us would go to Nyayo Stadium and have different people stand in different pews then walk out in unison immediately President Mwai Kibaki stood up to speak. It was to be a silent protest.

Then what happened?

The stadium was packed and I remember watching the TV on the floor and I saw a person being roughed up and I wondered if the guy would survive. I remember saying to myself “Si huyo amefinywa sana”. It didn’t occur to me that the guy was in fact my husband.

Shortly, after I got a call that the guy who was arrested at Nyayo was Boni. My mother and sisters came home. I remember Caroline Mutoko and Paul Muite called me to tell me not to worry they will look for my husband.

He was later found in Industrial Area before being moved to Lang’ata Police Station. They then took him to hospital as he was badly beaten. I talked to him on the phone and he told me he was not that much hurt and he would spend the night at the police station.

When he came back, we did not really talk about the incident as we had just lost a baby. We were just glad that we were both alive.

After the near-death experience, did you then say this is it, I am not doing this activism thing anymore?

No. We had made the choice. I had chosen Boni with everything he came with. I will only tell him that sometimes we need to change tact. But he is never easy to change so we have always fought over this.

Is there a time when you wanted to stop?

That was in 2016 when Boni had a tiff with Deputy President William Ruto after we led demonstrations over the grabbing of the Lang’ata Primary School playfield by Weston Hotel, which is associated with him. The DP’s people were not happy; going home, we always had to look over our shoulders.

I am driving and thinking “what if someone on a motorbike just shoots thinking it is Boni in the car?” Many questions. It became difficult to even just take a walk. So you start becoming afraid not just for yourself but for the children too because whatever will happen to me or him will affect our children.

It became too much and I said I cannot stay in a space where I’m looking over my shoulders every time and my children could not go out to play because they might just be kidnapped.

So we left the country only to come back when the 2017 elections were around the corner.

What were the threats like? Were they verbal or physical?

During the launch of Boni’s book in November 2016, someone walked up to me and gave me a letter. But even before that, Boni always had that gut feeling about something going wrong and asked for security during the launch.

The fact that somebody walked up to me and gave me that letter, we don’t know whether that is the way it would have been done.

It was a very long letter but it said there was a plan to harm me or the kids because Boni had messed with the DP’s reputation. It detailed the things that could happen. But I never experienced anything directly.

How did PAWA254 come into being?

After the successful Picha Mtaani initiative, we thought of opening a place where photographers and different artistes could come and do exhibitions, we can shoot for fun for a change and all that. We can also equip people with photography skill. So then we opened PAWA254 in 2011.

We built the place and we got a lot of interest from all kind of artistes. Because of Boni’s profile, it grew fast.

It was a space where artists could come to network, work together and you know, do stuff together. But then it became this big thing.

People came to us to support the initiative and we began receiving donor funding to provide that platform for emerging talents.

We needed money because corporates wanted to work with us but could not because of fear of backlash.

They did not want to be identified with us even though they applaud Boni’s work in other platforms.

It was that situation of “we want to work with you but we don’t want to be seen working with you”. Fast forward – Boni leaves the organisation because he’s running for office as Starehe MP.

How did that affect the organisation?

People still think that Boni is PAWA and PAWA is Boni. So when he leaves, people feel PAWA is not what it used to be. They want him in, but at the same they don’t want him. It is a catch-22 situation. Donor priorities also started shifting and so is the support we used to get.

Do you see any of your children taking after you guys?

Yes, but maybe not in the way that we do. But yes, I do. Probably all of them but more so my daughter because she’s very feisty. She can be very forceful when she has a point to make and it has landed her in trouble time and again in school.

Your love for biking, how did it start?

It was fuelled by the Renegade movie and then the ride with Boni took it a notch higher. Nowadays, I just enjoy riding myself.

How did you become a road safety ambassador?

We have lost many friends on the road but when we lost a very close friend called James Quest in 2016, I said I have to do something.

The undercover expose?

I am a journalist in another life. I am doing freelance work with BBC and the story about stealing babies was because a friend of mine narrated to me how many women in Nairobi have lost their children in hospitals, so I decided to investigate it.

We did not anticipate what we found out. The social workers at Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital charged with the responsibility of taking care of these children were actually taking advantage and selling those children.

The story got an Emmy nomination and Amadi Prize for prestigious journalism around the world. It was also nominated for the Rory Peck Award.

I am working on another piece with BBC which has been delayed a bit but hopefully by the beginning of 2022 we should be able to put it together.

Were you misquoted in the “don’t identify us with our husbands” story that trended on social media?

What I said was that we don’t want to just be identified by our husbands’ name because we also have names. It is not that we don’t love our husbands, but just call me by my name.

We are very proud to be associated with our husbands and if we weren’t, we would not be with them.
Even if the person is prominent hence the prominence value but don’t ignore the invisible work we do to have him there. By the time you’re identifying that man, you don’t know the struggles and tribulations that man has been through, that we as a family have been through.

Any future political ambitions?

I do not have those ambitions for two reasons. One, the way politics is in this country, it is such a tedious job.

Then, we have children, and that is why I don’t even entertain such a thought, because I want to be there for my children.

source https://nairobiwire.com/2021/11/hellen-njeri-talks-boniface-mwangi-weston-hotel-saga-baby-stealers-expose.html