Monday, August 23, 2021

Wanjigi to Raila, “I Will Beat You in ODM Primaries”

Political wheeler-dealer turned presidential aspirant Jimmy Wanjigi is confident that he will beat Raila Odinga to the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) presidential ticket.

The businessman says he is ready to compete with his party leader at the primaries ahead of the 2022 General Elections.

Speaking on Sunday, Wanjigi said ODM is not Raila’s personal party, and hence, he is not guaranteed a presidential ticket.

“ODM is a national party that was started by many people among them President Uhuru Kenyatta, Deputy President William Ruto and Wiper Party leader, Kalonzo Musyoka among others and not Odinga’s personal outfit,” he said at the Presbyterian Church of East Africa, Ndarugu in Nakuru Town West.

“Odinga is my good friend and I want to tell him now that I will beat him at the nominations, it is time for a new crop of leaders,” he added.

According to Wanjigi, Kenya needs a third liberation that cannot be attained by people he termed as recycled and tired leaders.

“Kenya had its first liberation during colonisation and those leaders had their times of 30 years, the second liberation started in 1992 and that too has taken another phase of 30 years and the people who led the nation for that period have nothing to offer,” he said.

The country has faced a myriad of challenges among them impunity and corruption which have stagnated economic growth,” Wanjigi added.


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