Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Kenyans Want to Know What Happened to Kianjokoma Brothers, Magistrate says

Six police officers linked to the death of two brothers – Benson Ndwiga (22), and Emmanuel Ndwiga (19) in Kianjokoma, Embu were on Tuesday arraigned at the Milimani Law Courts, Nairobi.

Corporal Benson Mbuthia, Corporal Consolata Kariuki, and Constables Martin Wanyama, Lilian Cherono, Nicholus Sang, and James Mwaniki appeared before Principal Magistrate Daniel Ndugi.

The prosecution, led by Jacinta Nyamosi, applied to have the officers detained for 14 days pending investigations.

Nyamosi told the court her office needed to continue holding the suspects at Capitol Hill police Station in order for the police to complete their investigations.

“This is a matter of public interest and we need to show that there is a commitment by the Republic to fast-track the case,” she said.

“These investigations are complex and we need to give investigators time without interference.”

The court allowed the application to detain the six cops noting that there is a great danger of interference.

“The court cannot close its eyes to the fact that the six are police officers and can interfere with witnesses. The people of Embu and Kenyans want to know what happened to the two brothers,” magistrate Ndugi said.

He added that the officers’ detention will be for their own safety.

“The officers were arrested yesterday (Monday) and if they are released now there may be anarchy as Kenyans may react to their release,” Ndugi said.

Adding: “I, therefore, allow the application for their detention at Capitol Hill police station for 14 days.”

source http://nairobiwire.com/2021/08/kenyans-want-to-know-what-happened-to-kianjokoma-brothers-magistrate-says.html

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