Thursday, August 26, 2021

CS Matiang’i Likens DP Ruto Hitler, Warns Kenyans of ‘Hustler’ Trap to Hell

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i has launched a scathing attack on Deputy President William Ruto’s ‘hustler narrative’, likening it to Adolf Hitler’s Nazism.

Speaking at the 64th General Assembly of the National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) in Limuru on Wednesday, August 25, the CS noted that the German dictator had promised Germans ‘heaven’ only to deliver ‘hell’.

Matiang’i cautioned Kenyans against falling into DP Ruto’s ‘Hustler’ trap in the upcoming elections, saying it is masked with dictatorial and tyrannical intentions.

“Hitler during the campaign in Germany, told Germans to give him five years and he will give them a different Germany, and he actually gave them a seriously different Germany because he slaughtered the Jews, gas chambers and so on,” Matiang’i said.

He added: “Hitler moved around sweeping the country, taking advantage of poverty and weaponizing the poverty of the people and then now using it as a platform. Let’s not fall trap to things that are not true and are not realistic.”

The CS urged Kenyans to take the upcoming elections seriously, saying it is the most consequential of all the elections that Kenya has had in the past.

“This election is going to be the most important election we ever had because it is going to be a serious transition and one that could change the course of this country,” he observed.

Also Read – Raila Defends DP Ruto But Likens ‘Hustlers Vs Dynasties’ Slogan To Hitler’s Nazism


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